10 Funny Sales Videos All Salespeople Must See

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Videos are not only an excellent tool for driving sales and growing your business, but they can also be fantastic for your sales team’s morale. Every salesperson knows how stressful their job can be, which is why it’s essential to give yourself time to unwind occasionally. Luckily, when you’re not using videos to boost sales and market your business, you can turn to them for a good laugh! Here are ten funny sales videos to help you deal with the everyday stress of your job.

10 Funny Sales Videos to Brighten Up Your Day

1. Sales in Real Life

If you’ve been in the sales business for a while, you can surely identify with this video! This fantastic piece takes a light-hearted approach to present the mundane everyday routine of every salesperson. You’re sure to relate to some of the many cringe-inducing moments throughout this short skit!

2. Sales vs. Marketing Dodgeball

Ah, yes, the eternal struggle between the sales and marketing teams. If you ever had trouble aligning your marketing and sales team’s goals, perhaps you should consider following in this video’s footsteps and settling the issue once and for all in a good old game of dodgeball! Regardless of which team you’re on, this video is sure to brighten your day.

3. Sales Therapy

If you ever wondered what the conversation between your CRM and your sales reps would look like in real life, here’s your answer! This absurd and incredibly funny sales video takes a shot at the love-hate relationship salespeople have with their CRMs by placing the setting of this skit in the most appropriate place imaginable — a couples’ therapy session.

4. The Office — “Customer Survey” Sales Scene

If you haven’t watched The Office before, you’ve been missing out on a lot! This purposefully over-the-top sales call rehearsal scene from the series’ fifth season is sure to make you burst into tears of laughter. The comedy is spot on and will make you want to binge-watch the show if you haven’t already!

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5. Jurassic Sales Call

Did you ever find yourself sitting with a prospect, considering how they’d react if you were to pull off some… unusual strategy? This video gives you the answer! As hilarious as it is to watch a man flaunt around imitating a T-rex, that is unlikely to seal a deal. But that does give us two fulfilling minutes of fun!

6. Sales and Marketing Alignment 

Here we are again with the perennial conflict between sales and marketing teams! However, this time we have a different approach to the topic. This awkward but funny sales video is entertaining because it is incredibly relatable for members on both sides. So if you feel your sales and marketing teams are misaligned, make them watch this video!

7. Tommy Boy — We Don’t Take No

This scene from the movie Tommy Boy is a classic! Tommy Callahan (Chris Farley) and Richard Hayden (David Spade) set off on a journey to pitch their latest brake pad project to prospects across the U.S., which results in some fabulously absurd scenarios like the one above! This movie is brimming with over-the-top comedy, so if you loved the crazy sales scene above, you should check out the full movie too!

8. S*** Salespeople Say

If you’ve never seen one of these types of videos, you’ve been missing out! These kinds of comedic compilations punch you in the gut with a fistful of cold, harsh reality but with a comedic undertone! If you’re looking for a funny sales video to make your day, look no further than this gem brimming with everyday tasks and phrases every salesperson knows all too well.

9. A Conference Call in Real Life

This video could not have been a better fit for our list now that most of us are confined to our homes due to the ongoing pandemic! Salespeople already spend most of their day talking to prospects and negotiating, so the last thing they want is a stretched-out, dull meeting filled with interruptions. This amusing video perfectly illustrates all the difficulties of having a conference call, from people being late and interrupted by their pets or children to technical problems. The next time you’re stuck in a tiresome conference call, just come back to this video — it’s sure to make you smile!

10. Kay and Peele — The Telemarketer

If you’re sick and tired of being hung up on by potential prospects, this video is perfect for you! This comedic skit takes an unusual approach to cold calling, where the roles become reversed. Does that sound appealing? It is absolutely hysterical! A small disclaimer though — profanity alert!

Hope You Had a Good Laugh or Two!

We hope these funny sales videos helped make your day! Don’t forget to come back whenever you feel stressed or down; they’re sure to bring a smile back to your face.

If you’re interested in promoting your business using videos or have some hilarious gems you’d like to share yourself, having a reliable video platform and CMS can give you a significant edge over your competition. That is where Brid.TV can help you — check out our offer and start growing your business with videos today!

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