Refine User Experience With Real-Time Video Analytics

Stay on top of user expectations without fail.

Collect Real-Time Video Performance Data

Track video performance and audience engagement in real time across various metrics and optimize creatives to maximize ROI.

Brid.TV Video Platform

Browser & Device Insights

Learn which browsers and devices your viewers use to consume your content.

Traffic Source Information

Find out which websites drive the most video traffic.

Engagement Monitoring

See how much your audience engages with your videos and how long they keep watching.

Geo Data

Discover where your viewers come from with comprehensive GEO data.

Diverse Data Segmentation

Use comprehensive data segmentation options to pinpoint vital aspects of your content and track only the metrics that matter.

Diverse Data Segmentation
Video Analytics API

Video Analytics API

Integrate Brid.TV video analytics with other business applications using our video analytics API. Compiling all your data in one place will be smooth and seamless with our easy-to-migrate analytics.

3rd Party Integrations

Expand your audience insights and tracking metrics with Nielsen and Comscore integrations.

Brid.TV Nielsen Analytics

Integrate full Nielsen analytics targeted for Italy GEO with a single embed code through our handy plugin.

Brid.TV Comscore analytics

Integrate extensive Comscore analytics and arm yourself with the knowledge necessary to grow your business in one place.

Adopt a Data-Driven Approach to Your Video Strategy.