Need Assistance With the Brid.TV Player or Revenue Optimization?

Our team of experts is here for you. They will leave no stone unturned to find the best solution for you and introduce a new ad revenue stream.

Helping You Win

Meet the experts who will help you improve your video-oriented business and find opportunities to boost ad revenue.
Brid.TV Video Platform

Naum Petkoski

Publisher Relations Manager
Naum is a seasoned member of the Brid.TV team, an ad tech whizz, and a devoted father. When he’s not looking after his baby daughter, he’s helping publishers grow their enterprises and skyrocket ad revenue.
Brid.TV Video Platform

Jelena Biberović

Technical Support Engineer
No one puts publisher success first like Jelena. She loves getting publishers’ feedback and guiding them through our advanced player and extensive monetization options. No question will go unanswered when Jelena is around.

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