Fast and Lightweight HTML5 Video Player for Everyone

Deliver breathtaking videos on all devices.

Brid.TV Video Platform

Lag-Free Video Streaming

Deliver low-latency videos to any device with HLS and MPEG-DASH adaptive streaming.

Brid.TV Video Platform

Audio Streaming Support

Upload and play high-quality audio files on your website through our fully audio-compatible HTML5 player.

Brid.TV Video Platform

360 Video Support

Give your viewers the most immersive experience possible with breathtaking, fully panoramic 360 videos.

Advanced Player Configuration Options

Improve video and ad engagement by configuring your player behavior to best suit your goals.

Brid.TV Video Platform
Ad formats

Extensive Ad Support

Monetize videos with all industry-standard ad formats and advanced advertising features.

Customizable Video Player Design

Build your video player to match your brand’s image or website layout with various design options like custom skins and buttons.
Player Design

Feature-Rich HTML5 Video Player

Brid.TV Video Platform

Video SEO Support

Easily add video schema markup to your embed codes and improve your videos’ visibility on Google.
Brid.TV Video Platform

Roku and Fire TV Integrations

Seamlessly integrate Roku and Fire TV tech with our HTML5 player via MRSS feeds.
Brid.TV Video Platform

Google AMP

Make your player compatible with Google AMP pages with a single click.

Brid.TV Video Platform

Async Loading

Make your players load asynchronously and improve website loading times.

DRM Support

Brid.TV’s player is fully compatible with multiple DRM software providers. Protect your content from theft with Google Widevine, Microsoft PlayReady, iOS Fairplay, or Brid platform implementation of EZDRM.

Brid.TV DRM Support
Brid.TV Player API

Player API

Take control of most aspects of Brid.TV HTML5 player programmatically through our extensive JavaScript API.

React Integration

Easily integrate Brid.TV HTML5 player or outstream unit with your React app using one of our react components.

React Brid Player Component
React Brid Outstream Component
React Brid Playlist Widget Component

Brid.TV React integration

Stream Beautiful, Buffer-Free Videos Without Compromise.