Drive Consistent Revenue With Instream Video Ads

The power of video advertising at your fingertips.

Start Monetizing With Multiple Instream Video Ad Formats

Place video ads before your video plays, within it, or after it ends with multiple instream video ad formats.

Monetize With Advanced Video Advertising

Pre-Roll Ads

Play ads before your videos start to ensure maximum viewability.

mid roll

Mid-Roll Ads

Place an ad at any point in your video to reach only the most engaged viewers.

post roll

Post-Roll Ads

Insert an ad at the end of your video for optimal user experience.

Boost Ad Yield With Unlimited Ad Podding

Queue up as many pre-, mid-, or post-roll ad tags as you wish to maximize revenue.

Brid.TV AD Podding

Configure Your Player to Maximize Ad Revenue

Customize your player’s behavior to boost ad yield with our advanced configuration features.

Brid.TV Floating video player

Floating Video Player

Make the video player shrink when it goes out of view and re-appear in one of the corners of users’ screens to maximize view times and engagement.

Brid.TV Sticky Player

Make Player Sticky

Force the video player to minimize and stay in view as users scroll down the page to improve ad viewability.

Brid.TV Player

Configure Playback

Leverage various playback configuration options, like starting the autoplay only if an ad is present or pausing when the player goes out of view.

Improve Brand Visibility With Brid.TV’s Branded Canvas Unit

Add custom branding to your videos or serve engaging, L-shaped banner ads with this unique, non-linear ad unit.

Brid.TV branded canvas
Brid.TV Header Bidding

Set Up Video Header Bidding to Maximize Instream Ad Revenue

Open up your ad inventory to multiple demand partners and improve ad revenue with our intuitive and easy-to-set-up header bidding solution.

Unlock the Full Potential of Video Monetization.