Video Content Management Made Easy With an Enterprise Video CMS

Safe. Reliable. Flexible.

Seamlessly Upload Videos From
Brid.TV Video Platform

Quickly import entire video libraries via MRSS video feeds.

Brid.Tv Import Videos

Import videos directly from your Dropbox account.

Content Management

Manage Video Libraries Across Multiple Websites

Add multiple websites to your account in a few clicks and manage their video libraries from a single, comprehensive interface.

Leverage Various Video Management Features
to Keep Your Video Library Organized

Brid.TV Video Tags

Video Tags

Assign custom tags to videos to make them more discoverable.

Brid.TV Shared Library

Shared Library

Share video libraries across any number of websites and assign custom permissions for each of them.

Brid.TV Advanced search

Advanced Search

Search videos by name or tags, websites, players, or users from a single search bar.

Engage Users With Custom, Dynamic, and Contextual Playlists

Keep viewers engaged and improve watch times with multiple playlist features.

Custom Playlists

Create custom playlists tailored to your audience and keep them watching.

Dynamic Playlists

Get dynamic playlists and serve videos by tag, channel, or latest video feed.

Contextual Matching

Dynamically serve only the most relevant video recommendations based on a page’s context to boost dwell time and user engagement.

Brid.TV Video dynamic playlist

Brid.TV Content Units

Customize your playlists’ look to boost viewer engagement.

Brid.TV Playlist Content Unit

Playlist Content Unit

Serve the most relevant, non-intrusive video recommendations from pre-defined units.

Simple Content Unit

Add custom text to outstream units and boost video visibility across all devices.

Brid.TV Content Unit
Brid.TV Native Content Unit

Native Content Unit

Add video descriptions to either side of your player unit to pique viewers’ curiosity.

Mid-Article Content Unit

Enrich video recommendations with visible video titles to entice viewers to keep watching.

Brid.TV Mid-Article Content Unit

Feature-Rich Video Content Management

Brid.TV webhooks


Implement webhooks to receive real-time notifications about anything that happens in the CMS.

Brid.TV Url tokenization

URL Tokenization

Sign your videos’ URLs with a unique token to restrict public access and protect it from theft.

Brid.TV Video Chapters

Video Chapters

Use video chapters to make your videos more skimmable by labeling specific sections.

Brid.TV Custom Channels

Custom Channels

Add custom channels and categories to organize your content any way you see fit.

Brid.TV Snapshot Management

Snapshot Management

Assign custom snapshots or thumbnails to your videos in just a few clicks.

Brid.TV Social Syndication

Social Syndication

Syndicate content to social platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter automatically.

Stop Wasting Time on Video Content Management — Streamline It!