A Beginners Guide on Embedding Live Streaming Videos on Websites

Embedding Live Streaming Videos
  • Post category:Live Streaming
  • Reading time:12 mins read

With the rise in online content consumption during the last few months came an increased demand for it. And with live streaming especially gaining prominence, it came as no surprise that many users and businesses alike have been turning to this type of digital content.

Some have been using the live streaming technology for their business needs, such as streaming live events, communicating with their customers, or raising brand awareness. In contrast, others have turned to live streaming for leisure — as a way of escaping from their everyday hardships. 

In either case, it is undeniable that setting up a live stream is now easier than ever, and anyone can do it. If you’re curious to learn how to live stream video content, you can check out our quick 5-step guide here.

But once you’ve prepared all the necessary equipment, chosen an appropriate streaming format, picked the best video hosting and streaming platform, put together a script, and promoted your stream, you’re almost set. The only thing that’s left for you to do is to embed streaming videos on your website!

And that’s what we’re here to teach you today. Here’s what we’ll cover!

Without further delay, let’s commence.

What Does Video Embedding Mean?

Before we get to the nitty-gritty, you ought to first understand what it means to embed a video.

When you embed a video, you add a video player to your website by utilizing an online video platform. Many such platforms allow you to do that seamlessly, often by merely copy-pasting a link. Most commonly, professional video hosting platforms will provide you with the said link after a few simple configuration steps. The same thing applies to live streams.

Overall, as long as your website is compatible with live streaming, you will have no issues embedding your stream.

How Does It Work?

In essence, embedding works by pasting an embed code to your website. That’s the most straightforward way to set up a live stream on your site.

Most hosting platforms will generate a code in either JS or iFrame, so your option of choice will depend entirely on the site you’re going to be uploading it to.

All you’ll have to do is paste the code in the predetermined field on your website building platform or an appropriate place in its code.

Why Should I Even Bother With Embedding?

There are multiple reasons you should choose to embed the videos and live streams rather than upload them directly to your site. Here are some of the most obvious ones:

  1. A dedicated video hosting website is better optimized to handle video content.
  2. You will get quicker buffering times and better video quality by using a dedicated video platform.
  3. You will dramatically shorten your site’s load times by reducing its web page size, thus improving user experience and positively affecting your on-page SEO.
  4. Your videos will get more exposure and will be available to a broader audience if they’re hosted on video-sharing platforms like YouTube.

Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s move on to the main course!

How to Embed Live Streaming Videos

The best part about video embedding is that you require no coding knowledge to do it! As we’ve already mentioned, there are two primary things you have to do to successfully embed a live stream on your website — obtain an embed code and copy/paste it in an appropriate place.

Now, as there’s an abundance of website-building tools and platforms out there, this process can vary. However, it is always typically quite straightforward. That’s why we’re going to guide you through the process of embedding videos and live streams on some of the most popular online website builders out there.


On this website-building platform, embedding a live stream is incredibly straightforward. Just grab your embed code and follow these steps:

  1. Go to the site builder, then navigate to the “Widget” menu.
  2. Pick the “Popular” option.
  3. Grab the “HTML code” widget and drag it onto your page.
  4. Paste your embed code into the editor.
  5. Save your changes.

Voila! You’ve successfully embedded your live stream. And if you’re having any trouble making your stream work, Yola’s customer support is well-known for its efficiency and availability, so don’t hesitate to reach out to them if you need further assistance.


If you’ve ever watched a video on YouTube, you must have seen an ad for this website-building platform! With it being so popular, we’d be remiss not to provide a video embedding guide for it as well. Since this platform nourishes a DIY approach to website building, there are but a few simple steps you have to take to embed a live stream video:

  1. Open the Wix App Market by clicking on the appropriate icon on the left side of the editor.
  2. Search for “HTML embed.”
  3. Choose the “Add to site” option.
  4. Select the HTML app.
  5. Choose “Settings” from the pop-up menu.
  6. Select “HTML code” under the “Mode” section.
  7. Paste your embed code in the “HTML/Embed Code” field.
  8. Finish by pressing “Update.”

Don’t forget to double-check your site’s preview to make sure everything’s in order.


How could we not include one of the most famous content management systems out there? After all, WordPress holds around 60% of the CMS market. As you could have probably guessed, WordPress also offers a user-friendly embedding process. It goes as follows:

  1. Open the post in which you wish to add your video or stream.
  2. Navigate to the upper-right corner of the screen and press the plus sign.
  3. Look for the option “Video” in the opened menu.
  4. Drag and place the element where you want your video to be.
  5. Press the three dots at the top of the element box and choose “Edit as HTML.”
  6. Paste your embed code.
  7. Finish by pressing “Update.”

That’s about it. Do know that WordPress also features tens of thousands of different plugins, some of which may help streamline your video embedding process even more!

Google Sites

Last but not least, it’s time to guide you through the embedding process on Google’s site-building tool. Google Sites might not be as popular or widely used as some of the previous tools we’ve mentioned, but it’s especially suitable when working on a website with your teammates. Here’s what you have to do to embed live streaming videos using Google Sites:

  1. Navigate to where you want to embed your stream.
  2. Press “Edit Page.”
  3. Place your mouse where you wish to place your video.
  4. Navigate to “Insert Menus.”
  5. Select “More Gadgets.”
  6. Click on “Featured” and locate the “Embed Gadget” option.
  7. After pressing the “Embed Gadget” option, paste your embed code.
  8. Finish and save changes by clicking “OK.”

Now you’ve got your stream successfully embedded in your website!

Live Streaming With BridTV

If you haven’t yet decided which streaming solution to go with, we at Brid.TV can offer you a fully customizable white-label video hosting and streaming platform, which includes mobile streaming compatibility. And even if you’re a business looking to monetize streaming content, a part of our services also includes a video content monetization solution.

So if you fancy what we offer and would like to give our video player a try, why not sign up for our 1-month free trial and see if you like it? In case you do, let us quickly guide you through the process of generating an embed code at Brid.TV. 

Obtaining an Embed Code at BridTV

Here’s what you have to do:

  1. Log into your Brid.TV CMS and select your site.
  2. In the menu under “Livestream” on the left, press “Server Settings.”
  3. Select your server specs (low is recommended) and set after how long of an inactivity period you want your live broadcast to auto-stop.
  4. Select the “Start” button and give the server some time to boot up (you’ll be able to stop it at any point).
  5. After that is finished, press the “Create Livestream” button on the main left-hand menu to launch a new stream.
  6. Enter the title and the description of your broadcast in the pop-up window that appears and click “Next.”
  7. Wait a few minutes for the server to create your stream, then jot down the RTMP Entry Point URL and Stream Name that will appear on the screen (you can use them to set up your output settings in OBS or Wirecast).
  8. After clicking “Next,” the player will provide you with your embed code (just paste it in an appropriate place on your website, and your live stream will be up!).

If you want a more in-depth guide on how to set up your Brid.TV stream, check out this link.

Time to Stream!

Now that you have read our guide on how to live stream video content and this one, you’re fully equipped to set off on your live streaming journey. It’s finally time you share your content with the world. So check your internet connection and get right to it!

Best of luck!