Boost Your CLS Score and Make Your Videos More Accessible With Brid.TV

Improve your CLS score with BridTV video player
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Our last platform update brought multiple new features, many quality of life changes, and various platform-side improvements. Aside from automatic captions and EU streaming servers, we’ve got a few more additions worth showcasing.

Let’s start with the feature all webmasters will love!

Improved CLS Score for Brid.TV Sticky Player

Google’s recent Core Web Vitals update introduced four additional ranking factors, one of which has been causing publishers a lot of stress for a while now — Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). 

Anyone wanting to maximize their ad revenue is using outstream video ads. And what is the best way to maximize outstream ad revenue? By using a sticky video player!

Unfortunately, most sticky players have negative impacts on a website’s CLS score… At least until now.

That’s right — as of our last update, we completely removed all CLS penalties for sticky players! As a result, publishers can now monetize their sites with sticky outstream players without worrying about losing their hard-earned positions in the SERPs.

All you have to do is create an outstream unit from our CMS, insert your ad tags, make it sticky, and start monetizing! cms screenshot make outstream player sticky

Better Video Accessibility for the Visually-Impaired 

In today’s predominantly digital world, brands are looking to get their content in front of as many eyes as possible. That is why it’s essential not to exclude anyone.

Today, nearly 2.2 billion people worldwide have some sort of vision impairment, and as many as 39 million are blind. These people often need (or prefer) to use aids like screen readers when consuming content. So not having your videos’ accessibility in mind can alienate your content from a large portion of your audience.

That is why our last update introduced improvements to our player’s HTML code to make it more screen-reader friendly! So now, all your viewers will be able to follow your content without a hitch.

Let us know if you have any questions regarding the update or need help with anything. We’re always here to assist you!