Branded Video Content: Create Videos People Want to Watch

Branded Video Content by

It’s no wonder that brands now put great emphasis on video content. This marketing medium has taken the world by storm and the numbers are staggering. 85% of businesses use video in their campaigns. Internet users watch more than one billion hours of video on YouTube every day. And here’s one statistic that will blow your mind. Cisco reports that video will account for 82% of all internet traffic by 2022.

So, it’s obvious why marketers have set their sights on videos. Blog posts, infographics, memes, guides, and other content types are still a popular way to reach your audience. However, video has proven to be the most effective when it comes to increasing brand awareness, boosting traffic, and achieving other marketing goals.

Branded video content has especially surged in popularity. Businesses have realized that it strikes a chord with their customers who want to see more of it on social media and other platforms.

But, what is branded video content exactly? Does it bring some advantages? Stick around because we’ll answer these questions and provide you with some useful tips.

Let’s start!

What Is Branded Video Content?

Branded video content is a marketing tool that a business either sponsors or creates. However, this video does not directly promote products or services, but rather it tries to convey the brand’s values. The result is usually an educational or narrative-driven clip that has only a few references to the fact that it is an advertisement.

The goal of branded content is to generate revenue through positive association, rather than through self-promotion. Although branded video content is not a traditional ad, it often strives to encourage viewers to take some action, e.g. purchase a product or visit a website.

So, use it if you want to convey a specific message while keeping your business in the background. Deliver authentic and entertaining content that targets your prospective and existing customers. As a result, you’ll humanize your business and strengthen your brand voice.

According to Wyzowl, 85% of people want to see more branded video content. Therefore, it’s obvious that this video type isn’t going anywhere. Rather than ignoring it, you should embrace it and give your audience what they want.

Here are the advantages branded video content brings to your business.

Advantages of Branded Video Content

a darts board with a dart sticking out of the bullseye

Brands face a difficult challenge in today’s marketing landscape. While 55% of people watch online videos every day, they won’t settle for just about anything. So, companies need to create high-quality videos that leave a lasting impression on their viewers. This is where branded video content comes into play. It helps companies attract attention and win their buyers’ loyalty.

A successful branded video has the following advantages:

  1. Non-disruptive: It doesn’t disrupt consumer experience, but aims to contribute to it. In that way, your brand is less likely to annoy customers.
  2. Moving: Branded videos are typically narrative-driven, which customers want to see. With the help of storytelling, these videos entertain, educate, or communicate a brand’s value. This is a good way to establish a more authentic connection with consumers.
  3. Engaging: In today’s market, it’s difficult to attract attention. Major social media networks and other platforms are brimming with content that tries to get through to people. However, companies that make branded content their target audience wants will hold viewers’ attention and encourage them to return for more.
  4. Authentic: There’s nothing wrong with a salesy approach if you do it right. However, branded video is more effective at showing (not telling) why your company is beneficial to customers. It allows brands to prove they are passionate and committed, thus bringing them closer to their respective audience.

These four advantages can help you leave your competition in the dust! Consumers want to have a seamless online experience without seeing content that annoys them. Then, they don’t want to watch a generic video that tries to push products or services their way. Quite the contrary, they want to be moved and informed. Lastly, the content they watch needs to be engaging and authentic if you want them to choose you over other competitors.

Tips on Making Branded Video Content

a woman holding a laptop and standing in front of a camera on a tripod.

Getting ready to shoot your first branded video content? Good choice! You don’t need to directly promote your business to get noticed by customers. Be subtle, entertaining, and engaging and this will be a winning combination.

We’ve prepared a few tips that will help you make better branded videos. Check them out below!

Focus on Your Audience

Successful and experienced content creators know how important it is to understand their audience. You shouldn’t make a new video without knowing who you’re addressing. So, before yelling “Action,” get to know your customers. Find out what their needs and wants are, and you’ll be one step closer to creating a branded video that will resonate among them.

Plan for Sound Off

A whopping 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound! Nowadays, people are glued to their screens all the time. You can see them scrolling down their feeds, listening to podcasts, reading blog posts, or watching videos while commuting. This is why it’s crucial that you plan for no audio while creating branded video content. For instance, you can add subtitles or decide to focus on visual storytelling.

Omit CTA

Yes, we know, you’re probably used to adding a call-to-action (CTA) to your videos. However, don’t be afraid to omit it from your branded videos. Why? Well, a CTA can disrupt the experience and minimize the effect of a powerful piece of content. By adding it, you’re showing your audience that you just want to move them down the sales funnel. And this is something they don’t expect to see while watching branded video content.

Your audience will appreciate a break from blatant self-promotion in one video. Instead, you can add a logo or a message that informs viewers who made the video.

Branded Video Content Is the Future

Video content marketing has become one of the most popular ways of promoting your brand nowadays. As a result, more and more brands are producing videos to attract the attention of consumers. However, gone are the days of a pushy and salesy approach to marketing. Brands need to find new ways to win the attention and trust of consumers. And branded video content can help them along the way.