Brid Platform Update 4.9.5 – Twitter Video Syndication and More

Twitter video syndication
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Various cool additions are being incorporated into our video technology every month. As 2020 unfolds, we are expanding the system and increasing options for publishers. The previous update included an incredible assortment of facets. Of course, that’s not all. There’s more.

Introducing several exciting new features to our video platform, the Brid.TV team has worked hard to maintain top-quality tech. With smooth video management, publishers can tweak and re-tweak their monetization strategy to suit their online business. 

The full list of updates is shown below:

  • Added a Twitter video syndication feature. You can now automatically syndicate a video to your Twitter account.
  • Fixed a rare occasion where the player would load video metadata on iOS twice.
  • Added support for implementing custom share embed codes and custom URL shares for the player via an external configuration –
  • Minor fix to the new replay button to properly re-initialize the player’s video object.
  • Added some SEO exclusions to the player so that Google’s bot can’t crawl certain texts that the player displays.
  • Fixed a rare occasion that the player would autoplay when in click-to-play mode on Android devices with certain player implementations.
  • Added a video publish date metric in our analytics reports.
  • Fixed a bug on iOS when certain VPAIDs would load in a mid-roll slot, the player would reset the video timer to the beginning of a video instead of continuing where it left off.

For any general questions or indeed additional inquiries about the latest Brid.TV features, please feel free to contact us


The Brid.TV Team