Brid.TV Becomes a Member of to Achieve Transparency in Ad Tech

BridTV joins prebid cover image
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  • Reading time:3 mins read

We have some exciting news to share with you! Brid.TV is proud to announce that we have been accepted as a Publisher Member of Together with this organization, we will strive to achieve complete transparency in ad tech! gathers some of the leading experts and companies in the digital advertising industry. Through our joint efforts, we work to build and shape the ad tech ecosystem. As a member, Brid.TV has offered our oversight and guidance, looking to solve the industry’s common and burning technical issues.

Brid.TV and Supporting the Mission to Improve Digital Advertising

Over the years, header bidding has grown and gained popularity in the online advertising industry. In fact, header bidding accounted for 73% of total digital ad spending by the end of 2016. Also, 48% of respondents said they received higher CPMs than they did with the waterfall method. As header bidding becomes widespread in the industry, ensuring a transparent process is of paramount importance.

The early days of header bidding were riddled with bad practices, closed proprietary tech, and poor standards. It was obvious that something had to be done to bring unity in the ad ecosystem. launched to facilitate the header bidding process, bringing conformity and simplicity. Today, it gathers more than 50 companies and experts around the world, and Brid.TV is proud to be one of them!

We are happy to join the family as a Publisher Member. Brid.TV has been committed to improving the digital advertising industry for years now. So, our membership in this organization will help further our mission for a better, fair, transparent, and efficient header bidding process.

Bringing Transparency to Header Bidding

As part of our efforts to support and work on making the ad tech ecosystem more transparent and efficient, Brid.TV is on’s Product Management Committee (PMC). We will engage and work with other PMC members to move certain areas forward, including Prebid.js, Prebid Mobile, Prebid Server, and more. Our joint efforts can lead to a more standardized and transparent ad technology!

We are thrilled to have a chance to share our ideas and expertise and take the digital advertising industry to the next level with and other members.