Brid.TV Becomes a Registered Vendor of IAB Europe’s Transparency & Consent Framework becomes a registered vendor of IAB Europe's TCF
  • Post category:Business / News
  • Reading time:3 mins read

We have some exciting news to share with you! Brid.TV is now a registered vendor of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF)! Our approved status as a registered vendor proves our commitment to data protection laws and transparency.

What’s more, the Interactive Advertising Bureau and Brid.TV have a close partnership. Just last month, Brid.TV became a member of IAB Serbia, working together with the organization to improve and grow the digital market. We’re proud that we have now taken this partnership to the next level and confident that it will benefit the industry and publishers!

But, what is the TCF?

The Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF)

As you probably know, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in 2018, changing the entire data privacy landscape in Europe. This regulation’s goal is to unify data privacy laws across Europe which simplifies the regulatory environment for international business. Additionally, GDPR gives individuals greater control over personal data, encouraging businesses to process sensitive information in a lawful manner.

With this in mind, IAB Europe developed the Transparency and Consent Framework, a GDPR consent solution that creates an industry-standard approach.

Furthermore, the aim of the TCF is to ensure all those operating in the digital advertising industry comply with the GDPR when they process personal data or access information on a user’s device.

In a nutshell, the TCF creates a common language that the publishing and advertising industries can use to communicate consumer consent for any delivery of online ads and content.

Brid.TV — The Latest TCF Vendor

By becoming a registered vendor of the TCF, Brid.TV is committed to working closely with publishers under GDPR rules all the while consumer privacy is protected.

Digital advertising and marketing have to be transparent to benefit all parties. That’s why we have a duty to ensure privacy compliance, which will further improve the industry.

Brid.TV is pleased to be part of IAB Europe’s mission to increase the trust in digital advertising in Europe!