Boost User Engagement With Brid.TV’s Brand-New Content Units

Brid.TV content units blog image with a TV and a video player in the background
  • Post category:News / Platform
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Great news for publishers — we’ve just released four brand-new content units (former playlist widgets)! We at Brid.TV know that one of the biggest challenges publishers face nowadays is improving view times and user engagement. That is why these content units were designed to help publishers do just that. We implemented several different designs and customization options for each unit so that publishers can choose the ones that best suit their viewers’ habits and preferences. Let’s take a more detailed look into each of these new units.

Playlist Content Unit

Our classic content unit is likely very familiar, and for a good reason. This unit offers users multiple video recommendations in the form of several video thumbnails below your active video, a widely adopted design in the online video world. The reason is simple — no algorithm can pinpoint with 100% certainty what your users are interested in, so it’s best to give them several options. This design is non-intrusive as the content unit doesn’t obscure any part of the playing video and is a layout most users are familiar with. That is why this unit is one of the most popular choices among publishers.

Availability: Classic Content Unit is available to all Brid.TV users.

Simple Content Unit

Our simple content unit design is a bit different, as it doesn’t showcase video recommendations but instead improves your current videos’ visibility when combined with a sticky player. This design gives publishers the option to display their video’s title while the player is minimized and following the user scrolling down. 

With this unit, publishers can choose if they want the video to stick to the top or the bottom of the page. They can also decide if they want the title to appear on the left or the right side of the outstream unit. This text’s font and color are fully customizable, giving publishers a lot of freedom to experiment.

Besides the above benefits, this content unit works like a charm on mobile devices. So if a lot of your website traffic comes from mobile, this content unit is the perfect choice for increasing user engagement.

Availability: Simple Content Unit is available to Brid.TV users on the Premium plan.

Native Content Unit

Our native content unit is a handy way of incorporating your video’s metadata into your unit’s design. This content unit displays your video’s title and description on one of your player unit’s sides, which can be an excellent opportunity to draw your viewers in and entice them to keep watching. The text font and color are fully customizable, giving publishers the choice to emphasize it or make it blend in with the rest of their website. This handy content unit is an excellent way to cater to different user tastes (those that prefer reading over watching videos) and encourage users to engage with your video when they would otherwise have just scrolled by.

Availability: Native Content Unit is available to Brid.TV users on the Premium plan.

Mid-Article Content Unit

Our mid-article content unit represents a perfect mix between our classic and native content units. This content unit offers the best of both worlds — it allows publishers to serve relevant video recommendations and draw users in by showing a video title or caption alongside them. By providing more info about the recommended videos, publishers get double the chance (thumbnail + copy) to make users click on one of their video recommendations and engage with their content longer. That is why this content unit is by far one of the most popular choices among publishers.

Availability: Mid-Article Content Unit is available to Brid.TV users on the Premium plan.

Try Out These New Brid.TV Content Units Today

All of these content units are fully compatible with our sticky player and outstream units, making them an excellent addition to any publisher’s monetization repertoire. Try them out and see their impact yourselves!

If you have any questions about these content units or need help implementing them, send us an email, and our team will help you out promptly.