Brid.TV Introduces Device Targeting for Prebid and Improved Player Functionality

New Prebid device targeting options by BridTV
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

If you’ve been following our blog, you probably know that our latest platform update was a pretty major one. It brought new video filter options, better video accessibility, and many other cool additions to our video platform! In this blog post, we want to shed light on two of these additions that publishers and advertisers will love.

Let’s see what else the new 5.8.0. update has in store for you!

Improved Player Functionality

Our dev team has been hard at work to ensure you get the best player functionality while using Brid.TV to host and deliver your video content. We’re proud to say that we improved our player X % in-view functionality and pause-when-out-of-view behavior following the 5.8.0. platform update.

What does this mean?

It means we added more robust in-view player functionality so that our player takes into account more HTML elements that might obscure the view area of the player. For instance, if there are some pictures that might prevent the player from initiating playback, it will detect them and find a way around them.

Improved player functionality isn’t the only change that awaits you after our latest update! Let’s see one more thing you have to look forward to now.

Device Targeting for Prebid

Publishers and content creators know how important it is to zero in on your audience and deliver video content and ads they want to see. At Brid.TV, we’re aware that targeting options can enhance your video business and user experience. That’s why we try to introduce as many options as possible to you.

And that’s exactly what we’ve done with our last platform update!

Namely, we added mobile vs. desktop targeting options for prebid implementations. This means you are now able to group your prebid bidders and their setup according to the platform they are using (i.e. mobile or desktop). Basically, publishers can now target prebid settings for desktop and mobile.

Zero in on your audience like never before with Brid.TV!

If you have any questions regarding the update or additions, we’re here to help you!