Brid.TV Introduces Support for Audio Files and VAST Audio Ads

Audio file and VAST audio support by Brid.TV
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Our dev team has some fantastic news for all the connoisseurs of audio content out there — Brid.TV now supports audio files and is VAST audio compatible! As of our latest update, all of our users can now upload audio files to their website through our platform and even monetize them at will!

Upload Podcasts, Audiobooks, and More Through Brid.TV Player

No longer are you limited to video content at Brid.TV — our player now allows all of our users to upload and play audio files on their websites. This long-overdue feature is perfect for a wide range of content creators out there — you can now use Brid.TV to upload your podcasts, audiobooks, audio transcripts of blog posts, and much more.

Whether you’re looking for an affordable and reliable hosting platform for your podcast or are just interested in syndicating your existing content to cater to a broader audience, Brid.TV can now meet your needs.

Monetize Your Podcasts and Other Audio Content Through Brid.TV

If your niche is podcasting or you have a plethora of audio content on your website, you can now earn from it through Brid.TV. With our brand-new support for VAST audio, all of our users can now monetize their audio content with audio ads.

Do you have a popular podcast, an audiobook with a lot of traffic, or similar? Don’t miss out on earning revenue from your hard work by monetizing it with Brid.TV!

It’s Prime Time to Consider Syndicating Your Existing Content or Starting a Podcast

Waiting for your podcast to get off the ground to start earning revenue or syndicating your existing content into an audio form can be a time-consuming and costly process. Podcasts often require years to gain traction and get sponsorships before you can start earning any revenue from them, while content syndication often doesn’t result in any tangible profit.

Luckily, that doesn’t have to be the case anymore; by monetizing your audio content with Brid.TV, you can start earning from it as early as today. So if you’ve ever considered giving audio content a shot but were reluctant due to these constraints, now is the perfect time to do it!

If you’re considering giving podcasting or other audio content a shot, here’s some useful reading material:

If you have any questions or need any help with this new platform feature, our customer support will be glad to assist you!

Best regards,

The Brid.TV Team