Brid.TV Platform Update 5.8.6. — Competitive Bidding and Video Matching

BridTV platform update 586
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Dear publishers, our development team’s been hard at work since our last platform update, and the fruits of their labor are finally here. This platform update brought with it some long-awaited improvements to our prebidding and content matching features and a few additional bug fixes.

Let’s highlight some of the most prominent changes that came with this update.

Key Changes

We’re excited to announce that we upgraded our prebidding system to allow Amazon Publisher Services to bid against other ad networks asynchronously! That means publishers using this feature can expect to see more competitive bids and an increase in ad revenue.

Another noteworthy improvement we made is to our A.I. content matching system. As of this update, our team can assign appropriate tags to your videos and prepare your entire library for content matching if you haven’t done so yourself. Also, we fixed the problems with discrepancies with our automatic tag suggestion system for non-English websites, so you should have no more issues.

Full 5.8.6. Changelog

Here’s a full list of changes that came with our 5.8.6. update:

  • Added support for Amazon and Prebid.js bidding to work competitively against each other.
  • Expanded our analytics system to give you more detailed data per playlist.
  • Expanded our Protected Media IVT reporting to give you the date per site and breakdowns in the reporting section of our analytics.
  • Added brand safety data for users that use Protected Media IVT tracking.
  • Added numerous upgrades to our video/all API endpoint. You can find out more in our developer section.
  • Fixed the playlist/view API endpoint to work correctly for shared videos between sites.
  • Added an option to the player to pass it an array of different video IDs as a playlist.
  • Upgraded our “event callbacks” option on the player level so you can now name each callback and have more space to enter your custom code. We also added custom code validation in case of invalid JavaScript code.
  • Added a new player ad tag macro — [vpmute] — which will resolve to 0 or 1 depending on the mute state of the player.
  • Added better handling or irregular text for different input fields when adding videos into Brid via the WordPress plugin.
  • Complete overhaul of our video matching service to work better and extract tags from the content automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where particular quick edit playlist icons would not correctly open up the required dialog inside the CMS.
  • Fixed some minor issues with links in breadcrumb navigation of our analytics.
  • Fixed a rare bug where the player would not show closed captions properly after a mid-roll.
  • Fixed a publish date bug for specific videos uploaded via the Brid WordPress plugin that would be set to the year 2014 instead of the current date.
  • Fixed a bug in our WordPress plugin when uploading YouTube videos where the EDIT button would not work correctly.

If you have any questions about the update or any of the new features, let us know!

The Brid.TV Team