Brid.TV Platform Update 6.3.4. — Prebid Analytics for Publishers

Brid.TV platform update 6.3.4.
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Dear publishers, it’s been a while since our last platform update, but we’re finally ready to reveal what we’ve been working on. 

Our development team has been working long and hard on building an in-house prebid analytics solution, and it is finally here! Besides this highly requested feature, this platform update brings with it dozens of quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes.

Free Prebid Analytics for Premium Users

You’ve heard that right — as of this platform update, all users on our Premium Plan get access to our new Prebid analytics suite. Publishers can use our Prebid analytics engine to track the performance of their header bidding campaigns and optimize ad yield. Our analytics allow you to monitor metrics like bidder timeouts, CPMs, auction performance, and much more.

There’s no need to spend thousands of dollars on third-party header bidding analytics anymore — our Prebid analytics solution is completely free.

Full 6.3.4 Changelog

Here’s a complete list of changes that came with the 6.3.4. update:


  • Released our new Prebid.js analytics engine. Publishers now have deeper insights into how their prebid implementations are performing with metrics like bidder timeouts, CPMs, and other performance metrics.


  • Added an option for the player to remember which video rendition the user was watching so that the next video in the playlist starts with the same rendition quality.
  • Added a prevention system to disable the SAVE state of a player when a mid-roll is added without a valid cue point.
  • Added better error handling when creating video carousels, so they should now show an error when something happens instead of getting stuck in a “started” state.
  • Added schain macro support to the player and platform.
  • Added retry possibilities for our webhooks in cases where a third-party server would not receive any of our webhooks. Our system will now retry sending a webhook if it fails a total of 5 times before it stops.
  • Added a notification to a user when they remove a saved credit card.


  • Updated our Amazon prebidding implementation so that we do not overpopulate the fetchBids method with data.
  • Updated our Facebook login/signup implementation so that publishers can now log in with both a Facebook login as well as a password/username combo.
  • Updated our Google sign-in implementation and fixed a few minor bugs while we were at it.
  • Updated our site settings page to be more performant.
  • Fixed a security vulnerability with our push ad feature for live streams.
  • Fixed a minor bug in our reporting section where it was possible to combine certain metrics that were incompatible with each other.
  • Fixed an issue where our prebid front end required a GAM ad unit entered even when the player was instructed not to create a GAM tag URL from prebid bids.

You can also stay in the loop with our product updates on our LinkedIn page. Make sure to follow us to get informed about any changes to the Brid.TV platform!

If you have any questions about this update or need help with anything, get in touch with our support team over Brid.TV Zendesk or email.