Introducing Brid.TV’s Brand New Business Subscription Plan

Introducing Brid.TV’s Brand New Business Subscription Plan
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:6 mins read

New updates and features are constantly being developed at Brid.TV. So, we’ve decided to start this September with some pretty big news. As you know, Brid.TV’s mission is to provide the best platform for publishers and content creators looking to grow their business. That’s why we offer extensive monetization options and a state-of-the-art video player. Brands gain access to our features through three subscription packages — Free, Basic, and Premium.

But, after analyzing the market and our clients’ needs, we determined it was time for some changes. Firstly, our Basic Plan has now been renamed to Essentials Plan. The new Essentials Plan has all the features of our Basic Plan, and we hope you will continue using it! Secondly, our subscription packages have received a new friend.

That’s right, publishers and content creators, it’s time you meet Brid.TV’s new subscription package — Business Plan! Who is it aimed at? What do you get if you subscribe to the Business Plan? We’re here to respond to your every question!

Who Should Use Our Business Plan?

As a marketer, you probably know that the industry is constantly undergoing changes. Your business has to adjust to them in order to maintain a competitive edge. And our subscription packages were carefully designed to meet your every need. This also stands for our Business Plan. So, who is it aimed at?

Some publishers don’t need all the features of our Premium package. But, at the same time, they find that our Essential Plan isn’t enough for them. If you are one of these publishers, you now have another option that will suit you more — our Business Plan! With it, you will get higher limits and more features to continue growing your brand.

Now, let’s find out more about our newest addition.

Business Plan Tiers

One thing that you’ll appreciate the most about our Business Plan is that it consists of four tiers. You have a chance to choose the tier that works best for your brand and needs. These are your options:

  • Business Plus
  • Business Pro
  • Business Max
  • Business Ultra

If you feel that you need higher limits, we suggest that you contact us and we will upgrade you to a new tier. Regardless of the size of your business, Brid.TV offers something for every publisher through the new Business Plan.

Business Plan Limits

Do you need more video plays or streams? Then you are in for a treat! Our Business plan can give you just what you’re looking for:

  • Video plays: 500,000
  • Impressions: 200,000
  • Encoding: Unlimited
  • Video streaming: 1.5TB

To put it into perspective, our Essential Plan comes with 150,000 video plays, 50,000 impressions, 300 minutes of encoding, and 300GB of video streaming. Therefore, if you’re a publisher who needs higher limits, guess we know what you’ll upgrade to.

There’s another thing worth pointing out. The above-mentioned limits will increase depending on the Business Plan tier you select.

Business Plan Features

With our Business Plan, you’ll get access to a vast number of features that have made the Brid.TV Platform one of the leading in the industry. You can grow your business with our platform and earn a steady profit with our extensive monetization options.

Here are the most notable features you can use with the Business Plan:

  • Pre-, mid-, post-roll ad placements
  • VAST/VPAID compatible
  • Certified Google IMA integration
  • Unlimited ad waterfall
  • Prebid
  • Premium ad macros
  • Banner fallback for video slot
  • Brid.TV ADX Marketplace
  • Usage analytics
  • Platform, player, and playlist analytics
  • WordPress plug-in
  • AI content matching
  • Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter video syndication

Many other features await you with our Business Plan.

For the full list, as well as pricing, click here.

We hope you will enjoy our new subscription package. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Enjoy our Business Plan!

The Brid.TV Team