Brid.TV 4.8.0: Major Update, Major New Features!

BridTV 4.8.0: Major Update
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Yep, as you have already gathered, folks, the keyword for this update is “major.” After several months of hard work, the BridTV core team has incorporated a whole range of brand-new features. 

Publishers can now make the most out of the following upgrades and changes:

  • Added an intelligent system in place, which will sort recommended/related videos inside the player to boost user engagement. Brid.TV uses its internal analytics system and data from various video metrics to make sure that the suggested related videos have more chance for user engagement. 
  • Added support for another 5th video rendition which by default will get encoded to 1080p. 
  • Added support for externally hosted files to have 5 different video renditions instead of the simple SD/HD switch.  
  • Added a new button inside the player (cogwheel) which substitutes the current HD button. This button will allow you to precisely control which video rendition you want to use.
  • Added keyboard commands. Visit BridZendesk for more information.
  • Added an upload snapshot feature for our WordPress plugin. In other words, you can upload a custom snapshot to Brid.TV, and we will host it on our CDN.
  • Added an option to grab a snapshot from an already uploaded video from WordPress.
  • Added an option to replace an already uploaded video in Brid with a new one.
  • Added support for content video URLs for Google structured data purposes inside our WordPress plugin and the CMS.
  • Added the option to track video data per player and per site inside our analytics. Now, if you look into a single video analytics screen, you should see a new player tab. The tab will give you a breakdown of the performance of a single video between multiple players. This allows you to easily conduct A/B testing of a single video between different players and see which player setup has better performance for your use case.
  • Added better analytics support for shared library videos. Now, you can get a better overview of shared video performance per site.
  • Added new and improved error reporting for our backend API. You should now be getting more descriptive errors from our API if something bad happens or you send an invalid request.
  • Fixed the prebid Brid.TV adapter when working in conjunction with outstream units.
  • Fixed some minor display bugs on certain analytics screens.

Stay tuned for more detailed info and posts on some of the specific aspects of each new feature. Every brand-new feature has a range of additional benefits for your online business. Stay tuned for a more detailed overview. 


The Brid.TV Team