BridTV July 2019 Platform Update: New Reporting Tool, Multiple Ad Tags Support, and More

BridTV July 2019 Platform Update reporting tool ad tag support
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Our team of developers is always pouring extra effort into upgrading the BridTV video platform. This helps publishers streamline their monetization and video content management. Of course, as we have announced recently, this particular platform update launches the highly anticipated Analytics 2.0 update, featuring a new reporting tool and ad tag support.

We do stress that BridTV Analytics 2.0 is currently in BETA, so please bear with us as we continue to iron things out. We also invite you to let us know if you encounter anything out of the ordinary.
By default, the new analytics engine will be enabled for all accounts. However, if you want to return to the legacy analytics, you can do this by navigating to your user account details and disabling the BETA analytics option.
Here’s a list of all the changes that come with the BridTV July 2019 Platform Update:

  • BridTV Analytics Engine 2.0 launched
  • New reporting tools for getting CSV, XLS, and PDF exports for your analytics data.
  • Added ad tag support for searching by multiple tags – tag:tag1,tag2
  • Updated our search to be more intelligent.

This is the second major update (of 3) we had to push to put every feature regarding our new analytics live. Our next big update will contain our new API overhaul which adds support for grabbing analytics data. We hope you find these features useful and we can’t wait to complete this 3-part release cycle for Brid!

Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your continued support of BridTV.
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