Brid.TV March 2019 Updates: New Features, Diverse Improvements

Brid.TV Video Platform
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:3 mins read

With each passing month, our tireless development team is making huge efforts to enhance the powerful BridTV video platform and CMS. The latest update focuses on a variety of improvements and helpful changes to make things smoother, slicker, and easier to use for publishers.

Delving a bit deeper into OTT territory, the BridTV update includes an assortment of cool additions, such as MRSS feed support for both Roku and FireTV apps.
What’s more, the BridTV video player has been enriched with more diverse social sharing options with the inclusion of WhatsApp.

The main changes include the following:

  • Added the option to upload a custom snapshot image for any video under your account. This snapshot will be copied and hosted by our CDN when uploaded.
  • Added an option to create a custom snapshot from an uploaded video inside the CMS if for any reason you do not like the default snapshot that we create. You are also able to choose the time from the video from which you want to grab your custom snapshot.
  • Added MRSS feed support for both Roku and FireTV apps. You can now grab an MRSS feed for any of your playlists on their respective screens and use these feeds to create your custom Roku or FireTv apps!
  • You can now preview any dynamic playlist before you grab an embed code for it. We’ve also added the option to do some minor video metadata changes on this screen so you can quickly change any video from this list.
  • Added an option to exclude a tag from any dynamic playlist by tag. Let’s say you want to grab a playlist of videos that contain the tag “sport” but don’t want to have any video relating to “basketball”, well now you can do this!
  • Added some minor backend optimization on how we create JSON feeds for some minor speed improvements.
  • Removed the Google+ share option to the player as this service is being deprecated by Google and added WhatsApp instead!
  • Fixed a minor player display bug when searching for videos inside the CMS and then editing them.

We hope you like these new sets of features and you can look forward to some new updates in the next few weeks as we are excited to release our new analytics engine!

The Brid Team

Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your continued support of BridTV.