Brid.TV Marketplace Update: Higher CPMs With New Google Open Bidding and Prebid Support

bridtv marketplace improvements - Google Open Bidding and Prebid support
  • Post category:News / Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Dear publishers, we are excited to announce that our Brid.TV Marketplace got a huge update. We’ve been looking into moving away from the traditional ad tag waterfalling system to an auction-based one for a while now, and these new changes allowed us to do just that. All Brid.TV Marketplace users can expect to see higher CPMs across the board thanks to our integration of Google Open Bidding and Prebid into our Marketplace workflow.

How do these changes affect publishers exactly? Here’s a quick rundown.

Google Open Bidding and Prebidding at Brid.TV Marketplace

Brid.TV Marketplace users can now leverage Google’s Open Bidding and Prebidding systems to boost their CPMs. But how does that work exactly? 

In the current waterfalling system, Brid.TV Marketplace serves the first viable ad tag in the waterfall chain, regardless of whether it has the highest CPM. But with this new system, publishers will have multiple SSPs compete in several auctions, resulting only in the highest bidding ads getting served. Here’s how it works:

  1. SSPs operating under Prebid.js will bid against each other in a prebid auction.
  2. The winning bid will be sent to GAM 360 and put up against Google ADX and the winner of Google’s Open Bidding auction (which has its own set of SSPs competing).
  3. The highest bidder among these three will be served to publishers.

This multi-tiered auction system gives multiple SSPs an opportunity to compete for a given ad slot, allowing publishers to earn more ad revenue.

In this auction-based system, the more bidders that participate, the better the publishers’ odds of getting higher CPM ads are. That is why Brid.TV Marketplace is partnered with dozens of SSPs and is looking to grow this number in the future.

What You Need to Do to Get Started

Publishers looking to leverage these changes and boost revenue don’t need to go through much hassle. All of the above is done on our end, so you needn’t worry about complex setups or integrations. The only two things you must do are:

  • Set up your ads.txt properly.
  • Accept our invitation to join Google’s MCM program (contact our trafficking team for more details).

As soon as you’ve done the above, you’re all set to benefit from this update!

If you have any questions about these improvements or want us to clear something up for you, get in touch with your Brid.TV Marketplace account manager or send us an email; we’ll be sure to help you with anything you need!