Brid.TV 5.1.0. Update — Ad Podding, Video Delivery System Upgrades, Additions to Analytics, and More

Brid.TV Platform update 5.1.0
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:5 mins read

We bet you didn’t expect to hear from us so soon, did you? Well, here we are with yet another platform update! Our last update was mostly focused on quality-of-life improvements, but this time around, we’ve got a few new features for you!

What New Features Do We Bring?

The long-awaited support for ad podding is finally here! You are now able to sequence several pre-, mid-, and post-rolls to play in succession. In other words, you can now play multiple ads back-to-back during a single ad break. This new feature is quite straightforward to set up — you can find a full step-by-step guide here.

Another novelty we’ve added lies in the security realm. We’re introducing a brand-new whitelisting feature on the site level. From now on, you can whitelist domains you wish to automatically allow your player to embed on. Do note that, by default, all domains are allowed until you put your first whitelist in. After that, you’ll have to manually keep adding them. You can learn how to use this feature in our guide here.

As part of our video delivery system upgrades, we bring updates to our machine learning algorithm for video recommendations, a new display in shelf mode feature, and more!

There are also a few additions to our analytics, namely a carousel slide analytics (so that you can track analytics metrics per slide for your units) and an addition of a player name and ID columns in our analytics reports.

And let’s not forget the improvements to our content matching system! The now-added fallback behavior will fall back to your latest video list instead of stopping upon finding no video match.

Full List of Changes

Here’s a full list of changes for you as well. It includes everything mentioned above, as well as a few minor bug fixes.

  • Added support for ad podding inside Brid. You can now stack multiple pre-rolls, mid-rolls, and post-rolls so that they play back in succession.
  • We’ve further tweaked and enhanced our machine learning algorithms for serving the most relevant content when video recommending is on. Furthermore, we’ve added a “shelf mode” option, which more seamlessly integrates with the flow of video content playback and is more likely to have the users engage with additional video content from your site.
  • Added a security-level feature on the site level so that you can now set up domain whitelists. That way, you can whitelist domains that you wish to allow the player to embed on. By default, this can apply to all domains.
  • Added per carousel slide analytics under the carousel analytics screen so that you can now track analytics metrics per slide for your video carousel units.
  • You can now search for your video carousels in our main search menu in the top-left corner.
  • Added player name and player ID columns in our analytics reports.
  • Added fallback behavior for our video content matching system to fall back to your latest videos list instead of not rendering any playlist due to a no video match.
  • Updated our /videos/view, /videos/list, and /videos/add PHP backend API methods to return all types of embed codes when called. Before, only our standard JavaScript embed code would be returned by these methods. But now, you can get Google AMP codes, Facebook Instant Article embed codes, and async embed codes, as well as a response.
  • Special editor roles can now create limited editor roles and users.
  • Fixed a minor control auto-hide behavior issue on mobile devices after particular ads.
  • Fixed bandwidth display on GEOGRAPHY and TRAFFIC SOURCES sections in analytics to include platform load stats as well.
  • Fixed a minor issue when editing a video and changing the type from a progressive download video to a streaming (HLS) file where the player would not load the appropriate plugin to playback HLS video streams.

If you have any questions or wish to send us feedback, you can write to us here!

Take care,

The Brid.TV Team