BridTV 5.1.2. Update — Additions to Header Bidding Support for Prebid.js and SpotX, Intelligent Player Sticky Behavior, Bug Fixes, and More

Brid.TV Video Platform
BridTV 5.1.2. Update
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Hello, all of you lovely folks out there! Since our last update a few weeks ago, we’ve been working on some new big features, and we’re happy to say that some are already here! Today, we introduce to you some long-awaited new features and plenty of bug fixes!

New Features and Bug Fixes in 5.1.2

First of all, with this update, we introduced some exciting additions to our header bidding feature. As of today, SpotX player bidding is not only limited to pre-rolls anymore — BridTV player now supports it for all ad slots! On top of that, we have also added GDPR and U.S. Privacy macros support for SpotX by using Direct ADOS as well. Furthermore, Prebid.js header bidding is also supported on AMPs as of today! That means you’ll now be able to get the most of your monetization efforts on mobile devices too while still getting the best page loading times possible.

This update also includes a brand-new addition of player intelligent sticky behavior! But what does that mean for you, our faithful users? Well, now you can use this feature to prevent your video ads from obstructing other ads on a page. That will make sure no ad of yours goes unnoticed! Check out this link to see how to implement this feature.

Aside from the aforementioned, the update also contains an expansion to our Analytics system (will now include clickthrough analytics), a new content editor role with special user permissions, a new possibility of editing externally hosted images for carousel units by using their URL, and addition of a preventative measure that prevents you from changing video snapshots until the encoding process finalizes, and more.

Full List of Changes

Here’s the full list of new features as well as all the bug fixes that come with the 5.1.2. update:

  • Added support for player header bidding implementations using Prebid.js in AMP.
  • Added support for SpotX player bidding on all player slots, not just pre-rolls.
  • Added GDPR and U.S. Privacy macro support for SpotX pre-bidding using DirectADOS.
  • Added support for player intelligent sticky behavior — it allows all players to intelligently hide upon overlaying a possible display banner. You can find more info on how to use this feature here
  • Added the possibility to edit an image using an externally hosted image URL for carousel units that are made via custom URLs.
  • Added video clickthrough analytics reporting in our Analytics system under Video -> Engagement.
  • Added the option to further brand your player with a custom SVG logo inside the player’s controls bar. Contact your account manager if you want to try out this option.
  • Updated our Android SDK to be compatible with Firebase modules.
  • The CMS now sets a browser cookie under Analytics -> Reports to remember what options you have set when grabbing custom reports. These cookies last 365 days.
  • We upgraded our video carousel RSS sync backend to ignore images set inside RSS feeds as there is no valid standard for this. Our system will now only look for valid open graph tags and try to extract a valid image from them.
  • Added support for rare VPAIDS that produce a non-linear ad in a linear ad slot, like a pre-roll that does not fire a content_resume request when expected on ad end. That used to hang the player using our Brid ad parser and has now been fixed.
  • Fixed a rare bug that would produce undefined search results when looking for a non-existent term inside the CMS.
  • Added linkable breadcrumbs in our Analytics section so that you could easily navigate between sections by clicking on breadcrumbs.
  • Updated our search engine to be more intelligent and look for search terms inside words and complex phrases.
  • Fixed a minor CSS issue on specific screens when applying for our ad backfill program.
  • Added a new content editor user role with specific user permissions.
  • External videos now correctly have the quick monetize icon on the video list.
  • Added a preventative measure that forbids you from changing snapshots for a video until the entire encoding process is finished.
  • Fixed the replace video option to now work in cases where the source file for the new video was different than the original and when new video renditions had to be created.
  • Fixed a legacy link on the site settings page for the Player API button.
  • Fixed a minor issue where special and limited editor user roles were unable to reset their password under account details.
  • Fixed a minor problem for specific videos that had no duration set (externally hosted) where a NAN string would be present inside the next video preview screen inside the player. We don’t show this duration for these types of videos anymore in that section.
  • Fixed a minor display issue when grabbing a native unit embed code with playlists inside the CMS.
  • Fixed a very rare occurrence where video renditions inside a cogwheel would not be sorted correctly.
  • Fixed a minor display issue on Safari MacOS so that the player’s cogwheel displays all present video renditions correctly.

Feel free to send us your thoughts, and stay tuned for more exciting features soon!

Stay healthy!

The Brid.TV Team