Brid.TV Platform Update 5.7.0. — Minor Additions and Bug Fixes

BridTV platform update 570
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Dear publishers, it’s been a few weeks since our last platform update due to our recent release of Brid.TV Video Ad Performance Platform (VAPP), but the update draught ends now! Although the start of May’s been pretty slow, we’ve introduced a few quality-of-life additions to our platform and dealt with multiple annoying bugs! 

Full 5.7.0. Update Changelog

Here’s a complete list of additions and bug fixes that came with the 5.7.0. update:

  • Added an option to pass custom sticky player offsets through the player settings screen.
  • Added a new snapshot image inside the player when no live stream is active currently.
  • Added bidder settings support for prebid implementations.
  • Added better error handling for the main search bar when trying to search for something while the user has no site/domain added.
  • Fixed some minor Contributor user-level permissions when using the search functionality inside the CMS.
  • Fixed the player dropdown chooser when creating video carousels to correctly sense if the player is enabled for carousel usage.
  • Fixed the submit form for applying for our ad program backfill service.
  • Fixed an error that would appear when adding a new custom play button or logo on the player settings screen.
  • Fixed the long loading of the preview of playlist widgets when grabbing dynamic playlist embed codes with them.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to check out our latest Video Ad Performance Platform yet, you can learn more about it below.

The Brid.TV Team