Brid.TV Platform Update 5.8.0. — New Features and Quality-of-Life Changes

BridTV platform update 580
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Dear publishers, it’s been a few weeks since our last platform update, but the waiting has come to an end! Our brand-new 5.8.0. update is here, and we’re sure you’ll love the changes that come with it.

This update focused on many highly sought-after quality of life changes and bug fixes, but it’s a big one! Since there’s a lot to cover, let’s get right to it.

Key Changes

As of this 5.8.0. update, publishers can now opt to caption their videos automatically in all major languages to save precious time and improve their videos’ accessibility! You can apply for this handy new feature by contacting your Brid.TV account manager, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Aside from the above, we have some fantastic news for our European-based live streamers! We just added the option to choose where you want your streams to be hosted when launching a live streaming server. So if you’re from Europe, you can now host your streams on European servers and reduce latency.

The 5.8.0. update has a few neat things in store for advertisers as well. We’re proud to announce that we’ve removed CLS (cumulative layout shift) penalties for sticky players! That means your sticky outstream units won’t impact your Core Web Vitals scores anymore. On top of that, we added mobile vs. desktop targeting options for prebid implementations so you can zero in on your audience better.

Here are a few other notable changes we introduced: 

  • We added Amazon comprehend video tag suggestion and auto-adding of tags.
  • We introduced video filter support inside the platform on the video list screen for better navigability.
  • We improved our player X % in view functionality and pause-when-out-of-view behavior.

Full 5.8.0. Changelog

Here’s a full list of changes and features that came with the 5.8.0. update:

  • Added automatic caption creation for videos. On each video upload task, you can choose if you want our system to auto-create a caption VTT file to accompany your video. We support all the major languages. Ask your account manager for more details on how to enable this feature for your account.
  • Added a new region for creating Live Stream servers — EU. When you create a new live stream server, you can choose the region where to host it.
  • Added video filter support inside the platform on the video list screen. You can now save custom filters and choose which videos you want to see and manage easily. Your last used filter will be saved as a browser cookie so that each time you log in, your custom filter setting will be applied.
  • Completely removed CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) Google Core Web Vitals penalties for sticky player implementations.
  • Added more robust in-view player functionality to consider more HTML elements that can obscure the player view area. That means better X % in view functionality of the player and also better pause-when-out-of-view behavior.
  • Updated our player HTML code to be more screen-reader friendly for people with eye disabilities.
  • Added mobile vs. desktop targeting for prebid player implementations so you can now separate your prebid bidders and their setup between these two platforms.
  • Implemented Amazon Comprehend video tag suggestion and auto-adding of tags for better video categorization.
  • Added a new reporting option in our Analytics reporting section so you can now grab custom reports per user-created playlist.
  • Added an option on the video edit screen so you can easily add that specific video to any of your user-created playlists.
  • Added a quick video play statistic on the video edit screen so you can have a glance at any specific video performance metric.
  • Added a SOFT DELETE option for playlists inside Brid, so when you delete a playlist, it gets scheduled for deletion in 30 days. If you get a change of heart, we can return the playlist to your account within these 30 days if you contact our support team.
  • Added an option to auto-enable player captions on player load. This option is on the player settings screen, which you can enable at will.
  • Improved our video import script to pull higher encode videos correctly if the XML MRSS feed does not have valid width values entered for video metadata.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would not load on IE 11 due to its not supporting JavaScript promises.
  • Fixed an issue where shared library videos could not be added to playlists via the playlist tag feature.
  • Fixed a minor issue in our marketplace reporting dashboard when certain values were 0.
  • Fixed a minor issue where it was impossible to remove a tag from a playlist or video in some rare situations.
  • Fixed a permission issue when enabling YouTube syndication so that the un-verified popup does not appear anymore as our app is now fully verified (again) with Google.

Thank you for your continued support! Feel free to contact us if you need any help or wish to learn more about this update.

The Brid.TV Team