Brid.TV Platform Update 5.8.1. — Bug Fixes and Platform Maintenance

BridTV platform update 581
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Dear publishers, it’s been a while since our last platform update, but our team’s been hard at work on a few new upcoming features. In the meantime, we bring you this minor maintenance update that will solve a few bugs and brings with it a few quality of life changes.

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

Full 5.8.1. Changelog

Here’s a complete list of changes and fixes that came with the 5.8.1. update:

  • Added BETA support for 360 live streams.
  • Added an option on the site settings level where you can set per site what embed code options you want to have enabled/disabled by default.
  • Added on the site settings level an option where you can set the default order of your video list.
  • Added a copy ad slot button on the player screen you can use to copy an ad slot setup multiple times quickly and easily for seamless ad podding.
  • Added support for adding a custom prebid timeout and custom namespaced variables for prebid via the prebid global config setup on the player level.
  • Updated our ComScore integration with their latest 7.6 version SDK.
  • Upgraded the default upload limit for all new accounts to 5GB.
  • Fixed a bug where if a user clicked on a video still fetching from YouTube or Vimeo, the CMS would show an error.
  • Fixed a minor display issue for video sources when used with external URLs.
  • Added a retry logic for fetching videos via the API if, for any reason, the first fetch fails.

If you have any questions regarding the update or need any support, let us know!

The Brid Team