Brid.TV Platform Update 6.1.5. — Improved Video Carousel, Video Likes Option, and More

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  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Dear publishers, our last platform update was released a couple of weeks ago. We took this time to work hard on our platform and bring you new improvements and bug fixes. So, we’re excited to reveal that a brand-new platform update has been released!

Let’s see what our diligent dev team has developed!

Incorporate Videos in Your Brid.TV’s Video Carousels

Great news for publishers and content creators — our Video Carousel feature has just gotten better!

We’re excited to reveal that you can now create carousels using videos. All you need to do is enter custom video links or an MRSS feed and our platform will create custom-made videos.

To make things even easier, publishers can select videos from their video library and add them to the carousel with one click. This feature now comes with a new beautifully crafted carousel skin as well.

Before this update, our platform made custom videos using featured images. Starting today, it can create carousels using publishers’ videos.

Track Video Likes With Brid.TV

We’re sure you want to drive social engagement and ensure your viewers feel like a part of your community. One of the best ways to do it is by adding social elements to your player.

Brid.TV has seen this in practice. That is why we now have the option to add and track likes per video. Bear in mind that you would need to enable the option to track and show likes in the player configuration.

This option is available to premium users on demand.

Know where you stand with video likes and see how your target audience responds to your video content!

Customize Your Sticky Player Further With Rounded Corners

Our dev team has ensured you can customize your sticky player further! You now have the option to add rounded corners to sticky players.

Whether you want to impress your audience with a new design or stand out from the crowd, change the look of your player by adding rounded corners to it!

Full 6.1.5. Changelog

Check out a complete list of changes that came with the 6.1.5. update.


  • Improved our carousel offering to better incorporate videos so you can now more easily select a video from your account and create a carousel from it. Furthermore, you can also now choose the starting point of a video from which you want to create a video slide from. 


  • Added an option to set custom SCHAIN values on the site edit screen which is needed and used for prebid implementations of the player if you are trying to monetize third party sites.
  • Added an option to add and track “likes” per video and player.
  • Added an option to add rounded corners to sticky player implementations.
  • Added better support for branded canvas units when used in conjunction with banner fallback. Find out more about our branded canvas unit and see it in action here.
  • Added player loads stats per player in our analytics.
  • Updated our mid-article content unit with titles and thumb display.
  • Brid now creates more versions of snapshots for usage. Each video rendition now will have an appropriate snapshot accompanying it. 
  • Slightly re-designed the edit playlist screen in our platform.


  • Fixed description text on certain Brid paid plans to match exactly what the user is getting.
  • Fixed a minor CSS issue in our alerts section of the platform.
  • Fixed a very rare edge case where certain videos added through our API would not get properly encoded.

If you have any questions about these changes or need help with anything, let us know!