Brid.TV Platform Update 6.2.2. — Tag Competitive Bidding, Ad Looping for Outstream Units, and More

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  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Dear publishers, our last platform update brought significant improvements to our prebid configuration system and a streamlined way of integrating Oracle MOAT Analytics with the Brid.TV platform. If you missed these changes, check them out in our 6.2.0. release notes.

Today’s platform update focuses on improvements to several of our monetization systems that will help publishers further boost their revenue.

Let’s take a quick look at what’s new with the 6.2.2. update!

Tag Competitive Bidding Against Prebid.js and SpotX

As of this platform update, publishers will be able to have their own ad tags compete with their Prebid.js and SpotX header bidding setups to ensure maximum CPM. 

Before this change, our player would always serve the winning ad from the Prebid.js or SpotX setup, even if your custom ad tag’s CPM was higher than the winning bidder. Now, however, the winning bidder’s CPM will always compete with your tag’s CPM before getting served.

You can learn more about this change in our Zendesk support hub.

Note: This feature doesn’t work with Amazon bidding and automatically turns off if you have Amazon bidding enabled.

Ad Looping for In-Slide Outstream Units

As of this update, publishers can opt to “loop ads” for inslide outstream units. This feature allows you to continue making ad calls even after your first ad ends. With this option enabled, outstream ads can continue playing indefinitely until the users close the player manually

This feature will help publishers who focus on outstream advertising serve more ads and boost revenue.

Banner Fallback Changes

This update also came with one major change to our banner fallback system. As of this update, publishers can opt to display banner ads after any linear video ad to maximize revenue. 

Before this change, if you included a banner ad in your ad stack, it would only act as a fallback if no video ad got successfully called.

Introducing DRM Support

Brid.TV’s web player is now also compatible with Google Wildvine, Microsoft PlayReady, and iOS Fairplay DRM systems. Publishers using one of these DRM providers can now easily integrate them with the Brid.TV player.

However, if you aren’t using any of these DRM services, you can still use our quick and easy setup with our third-party partner EZDRM to start protecting your content within a day.

Full 6.2.2. Changelog

Here’s a complete list of changes that came with the 6.2.2. update:


  • Added a new feature that allows any ad tag you add into the system to compete against your Prebid.js or SpotX header bidding setup. You can read more about this change here.
  • Added a new feature that now allows you to set up display banners to display after any linear ad. Before this change, the display banner logic was always set to act as a fallback, but now, you can set a banner to display after a linear advertisement to further increase revenue possibilities. We also added an option to remove the countdown on how long a display banner will stay visible.
  • Added a new “Loop ads” option for the inslide outstream ad unit that allows it to loop ads indefinitely until the users close it. As long as your ad server returns valid ads to the unit, the unit will keep displaying them.
  • Added DRM support for our web player. Support was added for Google Widevine, Microsoft PlayReady, and iOS Fairplay. We have a really quick and easy setup with our third-party partner EZDRM, so you can get up and running with DRM in a day.


  • Improved the UI for setting up sticky/floating players. As we kept adding more and more options here, the UI started to get cluttered with the plethora of options available. We re-worked this screen completely and also added some new customization options as well. We hope you find this section easier to use now.
  • We added various video carousel improvements, so you can now disable titles for carousels or leave the title field for slides empty, which will have the same effect. We also improved our purge logic so that carousels get refreshed sooner with fresh content.
  • Improved our Assertive Yield implementation for prebid analytics to better catch creative IDs and send them appropriately to AY.
  • Improved our default Prebid.js config to allow iframe syncing for all bidders that you add. There is no need to set up a custom prebid config for this anymore, as our system does this automatically.


  • Fixed a minor glitch when dragging and reordering slides in video carousels where the initial first drag operation would show some empty space between slides.
  • Fixed a minor bug when adding a new ad tag for any ad slot under a Brid player would not display the edit icon initially, only after a SAVE operation. This is now fixed.

If you have any questions about this update or need help with anything, get in touch with our support team over Brid.TV Zendesk or email.