Brid.TV Platform Update 6.2.9. — Improvements to Encoding Offer & Maintenance

bridtv platform update 6.2.9
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Dear publishers, it’s been two weeks since our last platform update, and our team already has something new to show. This platform update brings with it a significant improvement to our encoding offering, a new mobile-only sticky player option, and several other fixes and improvements. 

Check out the entire platform changelog below.

Full 6.2.9. Changelog

Here’s a complete list of changes that came with the 6.2.9. update:


  • Added 1080p video rendition creation by default. We also expanded our encoding offering, so we can now support 2k and 4k encoding jobs. Contact your account manager if this is something you require.
  • Finished migration to our new and improved IVT detection system.
  • Added a new sticky option when displaying on mobile. The player can now center and stick in a black box on mobile, providing a unique sticky experience.


  • Improved carousel creation to utilize Amazon Lambda functions.
  • Improved our webhook responses when editing videos by adding more information.


  • Fixed a minor bug where a user was not able to upload a custom branding image inside the player’s controls area.
  • Fixed an error when adding prebid bidders, and no info was given for a particular bidder.

You can also stay in the loop with our product updates on our LinkedIn page. Make sure to follow us to get informed about any changes to the Brid.TV platform!

If you have any questions about this update or need help with anything, get in touch with our support team over Brid.TV Zendesk or email.