Brid.TV Platform Update 6.3.0. — Custom Intros/Outros, Watermark, and More

bridtv platform update 6.3.0.
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Dear publishers, our last week’s platform update brought with it significant improvements to our encoding offering and a new sticky player option for mobile. However, today we have several more new and exciting features to share with you!

This platform update brings with it two useful additions to our video customization options — custom intros/outros and video watermarking — alongside a few other useful features.

Append Custom Intros & Outros to Videos

As of this update, publishers can now seamlessly append custom-made intros and outros to all of their videos. This feature will allow publishers to emphasize their brand in all of their videos without having to edit each video manually.

Publishers on our Premium plan can take advantage of this feature. If you’d like to enable this feature, get in touch with our support team.

Embedding Custom-Made Watermarks

As of this update, publishers can add custom watermarks to their videos during the encoding process. This feature gives you greater control over your videos’ branding than uploading a branded logo on top of your content. If your goal is maximizing brand visibility, this option is perfect for you.

Publishers on our Premium plan can take advantage of this feature. If you’d like to enable this feature, get in touch with our support team.

Full 6.3.0. Changelog

Here’s a complete list of changes that came with the 6.3.0. update:


  • Added an intro/outro video option so that you can easily append custom-made intro or outro videos to any video that you upload to your account.
  • Added the option to watermark your videos during the encoding process so that your custom-made watermark is embedded inside the video itself.


  • You can now pull custom reports for the number of uploaded videos per user and get accompanying analytics data for those uploaded videos.
  • Added an option to playback a custom playlist when your live stream is not live as a fallback.
  • Added option to the player to share Google structured metadata when sharing the embed code.
  • Added a SmartTV category in our analytics so that you can now track data per this specific category.
  • Added more information when saving live streams to the title of the saved video.
  • Added support for the <maz::modified> tag in our XML feeds for easier ingestion into MAZ.


  • Fixed the URL to the thumbnail when grabbing Google structured metadata embed codes from the CMS.
  • Fixed minor display error for the download report button in our analytics.

You can also stay in the loop with our product updates on our LinkedIn page. Make sure to follow us to get informed about any changes to the Brid.TV platform!

If you have any questions about this update or need help with anything, get in touch with our support team over Brid.TV Zendesk or email.