BridTV Platform Update: Live Streaming, Analytics and More

BridTV Platform Update live streaming, analytics
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:2 mins read

BridTV has released a major update for BridTV Live Stream. Thanks to the hard work and ingenuity of our developers, this entire segment of the BridTV platform has received a massive overhaul. Improving and polishing the BridTV live streaming and analytics service has finally been completed. 

In addition to the live streaming update, we have also released an analytics update.

Here’s the full list of updates:

  • You can now start and stop your own live stream server from the dashboard. But keep in mind it takes some time to start/stop a live stream instance.
  • You can now choose your live stream instance power. There are 4 levels of live stream instances you can create and use ranging from low to ultra. So find the best depending on your stream quality.
  • Live Streams are now billed hourly and by bandwidth used. You can track all of this under your dashboard. 
  • We use Amazon’s C5 high compute instances for live streaming so you can make sure that there will be no bottlenecks when it comes to your live streams. 
  • You can set up automatic stopping functionality for your live stream instance so it automatically stops after X hours of inactivity just in case you forget to stop your instance and you don’t get billed unnecessarily.
  • Added support for analytics data per user-created playlist. You can now get precise analytics data per playlist inside Brid.

The focus of this particular BridTV update is our highly upgraded live streaming service. Feel free to contact your account manager if you wish to try out our new live streams.
We’re always on the lookout for a new and exciting way to upgrade our ads revenue and video monetization platform. Stay tuned for more info and features.

Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your continued support of BridTV.

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