BridTV September 2019 Platform Update: Any-Ad™, Analytics, and More

BridTV Any-Ad
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Another major BridTV video platform update has just been released. With this particular update, we have put our unique video ad format, Any-Ad™, officially out of beta.

Check out the full list of updates that have arrived with the new BridTV platform update:

  • Released our Any-Ad™ ad unit and intelligent banner fallback product. You can now set any display banner fallback size inside the player and outstream unit and the player will display it without any issues. This was a huge undertaking by our dev team and we hope you find this feature useful. In short, all display banner codes are now outside of the player, so the player does not influence banner size anymore. Read more about this here.
  • Added a sum ALL option on our new Analytics so you can get an overview of your account which include both players and outstream units. 
  • Added player analytics per ad slot.
  • Added CRUD operations for our PHP backend API ver. 2.0. You can now edit, add and delete users in Brid via the API.
  • Deprecated the aspect ratio option inside the player settings screen.
  • Added mobile responsive sizes for the player when in sticky mode with specific settings for landscape vs portrait mode so you can precisely set your responsive sizes depending on phone rotation.
  • Our new API ver. 2.0 fixed a bug where the metrics for ad requests, fill rate, and completion rate did not send properly.
  • Updated our bandwidth column in our new analytics to support GB (gigabytes).
  • Added more user-friendly screens in our new analytics if there is a section with no data.
  • Added pagination and sorting functionality for playlist and video views in our new analytics.
  • Added ads vs. videos analytics display in our new analytics.
  • Our form for adding external video URLs is now more robust and should allow a bigger scope of URLs.
  • Fixed the shuffle param reverting to a string when you change a player option on the embed code wizard for playlist widgets.
  • Fixed a minor responsive HTML element issue on the player list view on medium-sized screens.
  • Added missing JSON feed nodes for dynamic playlists by tag which are necessary for the player to properly paginate these video playlists.
  • Added support for LINK nodes in MRSS feeds which will be ingested as video click-through URLs.

We’re always on the lookout for a new and exciting way to upgrade our ads revenue and video monetization platform. Stay tuned for more info and features. Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your continued support of BridTV.

The Brid Team