BridTV Summer 2019 Platform Update: Video Monetization and Video Analytics

BridTV Summer 2019 Platform Update video monetization
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Consistently working on ways to improve and streamline video monetization for web publishers, the Brid team delivers a range of additions to our in-house technology. The latest BridTV platform update features a vast range of incredibly valuable upgrades that will not only help you on the road to better ROI but will also make things faster and easier than ever.

Major BridTV WordPress Plugin Update

After several months of hardcore development, upgrading, and fine-tuning, we have brought a vast range of improvements to our WordPress plugin, leaving you with a ton of useful options and benefits. We will be releasing a detailed blog update regarding the WordPress plugin update. For the time being, you can learn more about some of the major changes over at

Video Monetization – Superior Ad Tag Monetization

Another huge addition to our video tech and revenue platform, the new ad tag monetization system paves the way for various possibilities for publishers looking for video monetization solutions.

Utilizing one of the many advantages of the new ad tag monetization allows you to increase revenue even more. Have a look at some of these advantages below:
– Unlimited ad tag waterfall support: Ad tag waterfalling is one of the biggest benefits of using the BridTV video platform. As a web publisher, you can sell off their remnant inventory, which would otherwise end up unused. Discover more about BridTV Ad Tag Waterfalling.
– Tracking and editing ad tags: Edit your ad tag in one place and changes will propagate to all players that use that ad tag. Keep track and edit ad tags as you see fit. This option is extremely effective, and very intuitive.
– Analytics stats per ad tag: Establish your very own monetization strategy according to a business plan of your choosing. Accomplishing this is easy because you’ll be getting constant and accurate performance metrics for any ad tags you’re using. Analytics stats per ad tag works simply and is very straightforward, going in line with our soon-to-be-launched analytics engine.

Ad Tag Monetization Expanded Even Further

In addition to the many changes, we have also expanded GEO customization for tags, on/off options, sorting ad tags, tweaking your CPM, and more. For example, you can now set CPMs for your ad tags so our planned player bidding system can take advantage of this and increase your revenue. Learn even more about Ad Tag Monetization here.

New Highly Accurate, Super-fast Video Analytics

This is the first major update (of 3) we are pushing before we release our new analytics engine, which is a complete overhaul of the current analytics system that we have in place. We hope you find these features useful and we can’t wait to complete this 3-part release cycle for Brid! Also, if you have any questions or would like to learn more about what the new analytics system involves, then check out the blog coverage on those topics below:

  • BridTV: Video Analytics 2.0
  • Video Monetization With Sleek Ad Metrics

Platform Extras and New Options

Here are a couple of additional options that come with this particular platform update:
– Added support for the [video_tags] macro inside the player which will populate with your video tags comma separated.
– Added an update to our async player embed code so you can initialize the player as if it were synchronous with JavaScript.
In conclusion, we highly recommend you get acquainted with our new ad tag monetization system. Everything you need can be found here.