Brid.TV Update: Video Player and CMS

Brid.TV update
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:2 mins read

The latest Brid.TV update brings a number of useful platform improvements and fixes. You can check out the list below for more info:

  • Updated our import videos feature to be more performant.
  • Added an option on the user level to disable our autosave feature when uploading videos.
  • Removed the beta analytics checkbox on the user edit screen as the new analytics system is now the default one used.
  • Improved the search feature by tag and added the following features:
  • Tag:tag1|tag2 will produce search results with entries that contain both tags
  • Tag:tag1,tag2 will produce search results with entries that contain any of these two tags
  • Removed the incomplete SEO code added by our playlist widgets.
  • Added an option to automatically grab the filename of an uploaded video when uploading videos into the CMS. This filename will be entered as the title of your video.
  • Fixed rare occasions where the preview screen would not work when grabbing playlist widget embed codes.

Feel free to get in touch with our tech and support team if you have any questions about the Brid.TV CMS or the Brid.TV video player.

The Brid.TV Team