Brid.TV Update: Multiple Uploads, Google AMP and More

google update
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:2 mins read

The Brid.TV tech team invites you to check out some of the handy new Brid.TV updates we incorporated into the platform. See the list below:

  • Our uploader now accepts and supports multiple videos. You can now drag and drop or select multiple videos and our system will upload and encode them. The default limit is currently set to 10 videos but contact your account manager if you need more.
  • We have added support for Google Structured data when used with Google AMP embed codes. Support for this has been added both inside our platform and our WordPress plugin which will automatically add this info in if available.
  • Fixed the double total bandwidth column display on the analytics screen.
  • Fixed a minor permission issue for special editors.
  • Updated our WordPress plugin to add support for Google AMP structured data and added some minor fixes for special characters in SEO data.

We are constantly improving our video platform and video player to suit the modern-day online video market. But, more importantly, our team is always making an effort to streamline monetization for web publishers with a variety of cool new features and additions to our tech.


Brid.TV Team