Brid.TV Updates and Fixes

Brid.TV Video Platform
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Our latest update for the Brid.TV CMS and video player primarily consists of a few minor bug fixes. However, our hardworking tech team also added a variety of rather handy analytics and UI enhancements to make your work even smoother with our platform.

Check out the full list of updates and fixes below:

  • Added a TOTAL BANDWIDTH column in our new analytics under each specific video so you can easily see how much bandwidth each video uses.
  • Added a quick analytics video view icon inside the search area of the CMS so you can quickly access your video analytics.
  • Added a view analytics button on the edit video screen so you can easily access video analytics per video.
  • Fixed a minor bug when searching in Brid with multiple apostrophes and other signs.
  • Added a bandwidth column under TOP VIDEOS in our new analytics.
  • Fixed the TOP VIDEOS download report functionality to work even if there are videos with invalid characters in their titles.
  • Fixed pagination functionality on the TOP VIDEOS section in our new analytics.

Web publishers are welcome to come to us directly if they have any questions about the recently implemented changes and upgrades.

The Brid.TV Team