BridTV Update: Marketplace Reporting, Playlist Screen Upgrade, CMS fixes and More

BridTV Update Marketplace Reporting, Playlist Screen Upgrade, CMS fixes
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Delivering innovative ad solutions to publishers, the development team brings even more cool additions to the BridTV CMS. A majority of the latest updates have significantly increased the overall quality of the CMS, with just a smidgen of other diverse improvements and upgrades.

BridTV Marketplace Reporting

Our latest comprehensive analytics engine is coming along nicely, and coinciding with the rapid growth and expansion of the Brid Marketplace, we have made it certain publishers are constantly well-informed as to their monetization data, ad performance, and other helpful info regarding relevant media. Going in line with this, we have included the possibility to export your Brid Marketplace data to PDF, CSV and Excel.
Check out a list of additional CMS changes below:

  • We have significantly upgraded the screen under which you add new videos to a playlist. You now have much more information about your videos and can do other video manipulations on the same screen.
  • Did some slight improvements on the edit playlist screen to be more user-friendly and more performant.
  • Added some responsive design improvements on the video list inside the CMS so it looks slightly better on smaller screens.
  • Added support for emails that contain the “+” sign.

Stay tuned for more improvements and upgrades, folks!

Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your continued support of BridTV.
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