Top Content Marketing Formats to Use in 2021

Top performing content marketing formats by BridTV

Let’s face it. When someone mentions the term “content marketing” to you, blog posts and articles immediately spring to mind. Although they are an integral part, there’s much more to this world than that. Today, marketers use a wide range of content marketing formats to raise brand awareness. With so many choices, it can be difficult to decide which type you need to grow your business.

Nevertheless, content marketing has proven to be so effective that 91% of marketers use it to reach customers. And it’s no wonder that the figure is so high. Namely, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing. Not only that, but it also produces around three times as many leads. Although traditional methods are still popular, it’s time to move to the digital world if you haven’t already.

According to Statista, 4.57 billion people actively use the internet. So, customers now turn to the web to discover new brands and what they offer. This means that companies need to adapt their strategies to their customers’ behavior. That’s why digital marketing is the hottest buzzword among marketers. These experts utilize different content types to cater to their consumers.

In this article, we take a look at the most popular content marketing formats every business can use in 2021. Here’s what we’ll go over:

So, without further ado, let’s start!

Blogs: A Cost-Effective Content Marketing Format

an image of wooden blocks with letters spelling out "blog"

It seems that blogging won’t get out of style anytime soon. Well, we’ve reached this conclusion because of the below statistics. Prepare to be amazed:

  • Around 409 million people open over 20 billion pages every month.
  • About 70 million posts are published on WordPress each month.
  • 77% of internet users read blogs.

Okay, no wonder that businesses of all sizes are blogging away in 2021.

Blog posts have a proven track record that makes them an appealing content marketing format. Namely, they improve SEO with the use of specific keywords and targeted topics. To actually get indexed by search engines, you need a lot of content. And blog posts are your solution. In fact, websites with a blog have 434% more indexed pages. Once people find your site, your traffic will increase as well.

Not only is blogging useful for SEO, but also for building relationships with your leads and customers. If you provide valuable content, it’s inevitable that your target audience will consider your brand during their purchasing decision. So, blogs are a cost-effective way to provide value through written format.

When writing new posts, keep the below things in mind:

  • Optimize content for SEO.
  • Organize your blog topics.
  • Keep your content relevant to your products or services.

Lastly, always conduct some keyword research to see what customers are searching. Then, build your new posts around your findings.

Videos: The King Among Content Marketing Formats

a man standing in his kitchen, reviewing products in front of a camera on a tripod

Remember when we said that blogging statistics would amaze you? Well, prepare to be floored by statistics regarding another type of content — videos:

  • 78% of internet users watch online videos every week.
  • 81% of companies use videos as a marketing tool.
  • Mobile video consumption increases by 100% every year.

These three impressive figures are enough to prove that video content is here to stay. As they are always on the go, customers want to see something other than text-based content. They want to be engaged quickly while commuting to work. In fact, HubSpot revealed that 54% of customers want to see more videos from a brand they support. This number is higher than for any other content marketing format.

The popularity of videos isn’t surprising one bit. After all, videos are a versatile medium which is exactly what marketers need. Namely, they can create a variety of different types and leave customers wanting more. With one-third of all internet activity spent watching videos, it’s plain and simple — add videos to your content marketing strategy.

In addition to this, let’s take a look at below video marketing statistics:

  • 72% of customers want to learn about a product or service through videos.
  • Social video generates 1200% more shares than text- and image-based content.
  • 59% of executives say they would rather watch a video than read an article.

See? We didn’t make a mistake when we dubbed videos the king among different types of content.

Infographics: A Visually Captivating Content Marketing Format

a person pointing to a chart with various percentages

Moving now to the fourth most used content marketing format.

Infographics allow businesses to educate their audience with fun and eye-catching content. This visual marketing type helps customers better visualize data such as statistics. Not only that, but consumers can easily understand how something works through visually captivating infographics. Just think about this from your perspective. Isn’t it much easier to digest new information when you have it presented in an image? Yes, we know, it really is.

Marketers love infographics because they are quick to make and cost-effective. This combination is like music to a marketer’s ears. With infographics, it’s important to devise a strategy. In other words, not all topics are suitable for this format. So, you should brainstorm which ones you can present with the help of infographics. Naturally, any piece of information that would benefit in any way from a visual aid is perfect for infographics.

At the end of the day, use this content marketing format to explain complicated topics, present data that proves how valuable your business is, and so on. Here’s why we think infographics are a popular type of content today:

  • They have had a 65% increase in usage among marketers, making it the biggest growth in the industry.
  • People who follow directions with text and illustrations perform 323% better than those who follow directions without any illustrations.

You can also expect that infographics will make your product or service more reputable if they involve any hard data. Of course, just as long everything is easy to understand.

Case Studies: A Lead-Generating Content Marketing Format

a notepad with "case study" written on it

Another popular and valuable content marketing format are case studies.

Case studies are a piece of content that is effective for lead generation. Customers who want to learn more about your business love to see them. In this format, you illustrate how your brand has helped a customer solve a particular problem. Of course, you can use them to mention special uses for your services and products as well.

Consumers’ appreciation for case studies is quite understandable. After all, this content type makes it easier for them to realize how your brand can add value to their lives. If you want to really strike a chord with them, make sure to deliver real-life examples as this helps build trust with new leads. Also, carefully consider which customers you’ll feature in a case study. Always go with those who have significantly benefited from your products or services.

According to eMarketer, case studies are the most effective type of content. However, they are also the most difficult to create. But don’t let this discourage you. Always create content that your audience wants to see. Everything else should take second place.

White Papers: Information-Packed Content Marketing Format

an infographic illustrating a whitepaper

Among all content marketing formats, white papers are often misunderstood. Specifically, some people confuse them with eBooks. They have a similar feature in that they are both types of long-form content. However, white papers are more information-packed and data-driven than ebooks are. This is why they are particularly suitable for those businesses that want to build thought leadership.

According to the Demand Gen Survey Report, white papers impact the purchasing decisions of 71% of buyers. This whopping number just shows that you should use this content marketing format in 2021.

One of the major benefits of white papers is that they can help you collect information about new leads. Namely, Intercom’s 2019 report indicated that 76% of buyers were willing to provide their information in exchange for a white paper. With the information consumers share with your brand, you have a deeper insight into your target audience. Not only that, but you can also be in contact with a lead even after they have downloaded your content.

Five Formats for Your Every Need

Whether you want to engage your audience, explain complex data, or show how your brand can solve their problem, content marketing can help you. It offers a variety of formats that meet all of your customers’ needs. So, if you ever feel stuck and don’t know how to impress your consumers, just remember that the content marketing world is full of ideas. And it’s on you to consider and welcome them to your content marketing strategy.

If you have any thoughts on this topic, hit us up as we’d love to hear from you!