Brid.TV Looking Into a Contextual Targeting Solution for Video Advertisers

BridTV explores contextual targeting solutions for advertisers cover image
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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Dear publishers,

As you’re all already aware, the death of the third-party cookie shook the online advertising industry to its core, as it took away one of the instrumental advertising tools from publishers and advertisers. 

With the massive turmoil the industry’s experiencing right now, most ad networks and providers are considering switching to contextual targeting as the fastest temporary solution.

As Brid.TV works with hundreds of publishers every day, we understand the importance of dealing with this industry-wide change, which is why we’re actively exploring contextual targeting solutions for our users.

Contextual Targeting Powered by Amazon Rekognition 

We are currently exploring the possibility of using Amazon’s machine learning technology (Amazon Rekognition) to allow our users to target their ads contextually. This advanced A.I. tech was designed to streamline image and video analysis using advanced recognition technology. 

Implementing this tech will allow us to analyze your videos’ using metadata and assign them contextually relevant tags. Publishers can then send these tags to their ad servers to enable advertisers to contextually target their videos and preserve their ad fill rates.

Future Opportunities With Amazon Rekognition

Besides streamlining media analysis to enable contextual targeting for publishers and advertisers, Amazon Rekognition offers plenty of other tools and uses they may find useful.

From the technology for detecting inappropriate content to online identity verification, there’s plenty of room for growth and development in this tech, and Brid.TV is excited to keep exploring ways to use it to improve our services going forward. 

Whether you fear for the future of behavioral targeting or just want to have a contingency plan, we’re designing this contextual advertising solution for you. We’re looking forward to sharing more updates about this project in the following months, so keep an eye out for any news.

The Brid.TV Team