BridTV Coull Integration: New Value for Your Ad Campaigns

BridTV Coull Integration
  • Post category:Business / Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

For the past two years, web publishers have been coming to us for support when it comes to online video monetization. As the industry grows and evolves, we have pushed our platform beyond what our clients expect. As a result, the extent and quality of our services have reached a point where publishers can rely on an amazing variety of features that are a tremendous benefit both to their business, as well as their own clients.

Stable and Reliable Revenue Stream With Innovative Ad Formats

As part of the many ad solutions on offer, we are also excited to draw your attention to Coull; an ad tech that can potentially upgrade your online business with highly effective and innovative video ad formats, such as The OverStream Suite. In addition to that, Coull offers a variety of ad formats, including:
Singular ads:

  • InStream
  • OverStream
  • OnPause

Combined ads:

Coull Integration and Brid Lead You to Fast Revenue

BridTV has been looking to improve its in-house video technology with every passing year. It’s been a long road, but we’ve managed to upgrade our tech a great deal, largely thanks to our hardworking team of experts, in addition to the help of our satisfying clients (web publishers, and Brid partners). Coull integration is only one of the many examples of how our tech has become far-reaching and successful, especially from the perspective of web publishers and web developers. Through it all, the goal is to help publishers reach video audiences with premium video inventory.

Why Rely on BridTV Coull Integration?

We are determined to enable online businesses to use high-performing ad formats, in order to run campaigns, thus unlocking more and more creative and exciting ways to engage audiences. The simple truth is that with this particular system set up, you’ll get both engagement and value. Once you’ve set up your own ideal advertising space, monetization of any online video content should be a walk in the park.

The Video Player Works for You

So, we mentioned audience engagement, right? Well, ask yourself: is the audience engaged more when reading text or when watching videos? Statistically, the answer has been the same for years: videos. When audiences watch videos in a video player of your choice, they are far more likely to be engaged. This is where Brid and Coull come in.

How it Works

To cut a long story short, the Brid Player initializes the Coull plugin when the player loads on the page, the plugin then listens out for player events – after that, it makes an ad request (for instance, if the player is in view and the timeline is over 5 seconds into the video). Simple, fast, and very easy to manage. After the aforementioned conditions have been met, the plugin makes a request to a GAM account for a static ad (not VAST/VPAID). Direct line items and ADX compete for the slot. The waterfalling happens within GAM. The setup doesn’t override any ad calls made from Brid Player.
Here’s a bit more info on how to implement BridTV into your Coull plugin:
Brid Player Configuration (using a VPAID tag):

  • To begin, log into your Brid account and select the site and the player you wish to monetize. You can also monetize your default player or other by clicking on the Players tab at the top of the screen.
  • Once you’re on the player setting page, navigate to the monetization section and ensure that you have the Monetizable box checked. Otherwise, you won’t be able to display ads.
  • In the Advanced Options section, select Overlay and add the QUASAR tag, as provided by your Coull account manager. Add this tag to the top URL field. Here, you can also set the start and duration times of the OverStream ad.
  • Now save.

Apart from OverStream, you can get in-depth instructions on how to integrate Coull into your BridTV player.

Furthermore, BridTV, as a video platform and CMS, features a wide range of ad solutions that can help you improve your monetization dramatically.

Learn more about BridTV.

Learn more about Coull.