Detect Video Ad Fraud With Brid.TV Ad Fraud Detection

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  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Videos have taken over the internet. In fact, Cisco reports that video will account for 82% of all internet traffic by 2022. There’s no stopping this medium and its complete dominance. So, it’s no surprise that brands have become dependent on video to convey their messages and promote products or services.

For years now, Brid.TV has helped those brands host and manage their videos. But we have also offered a variety of solutions and features that enable publishers to monetize their content. Relying on state-of-the-art technology and new opportunities, we are able to deliver another feature that streamlines the monetization process.

Our dev team has worked hard to provide our clients with an advanced cybersecurity ad fraud solution and ensure they keep earning a steady revenue with Brid.TV.

Let’s see what this technology entails!

What Does Brid.TV Ad Fraud Detection Bring?

Ever since our inception, we have taken measures to maximize fraud protection. We want to ensure our clients aren’t spending wastefully on fraudulent ad inventory. And with our newest solution, we have gone a step further!

Now, users can detect fraud in real-time before an ad is served by relying on Brid.TV’s service. Basically, the Brid.TV Ad Fraud Detection solution allows us to protect our customers from the most advanced fraudulent schemes on the internet, including impersonating bots, fake app usage, and publisher fraud.

Many available technologies help publishers detect fraud only after an ad impression has been sent and noted on the ad server. Let’s say that a bot has made an ad request. The player responds because the software hasn’t spotted any fraudulent activity. As a result, you will get charged, but you won’t earn anything because a bot has made the call.

However, you can avoid this scenario thanks to our feature.

The major advantage of our technology is that you can check beforehand whether or not an ad request is fraudulent. In case it is, the Brid.TV player won’t even fetch an ad from the ad server. You will always know that every impression and ad request has been made by your customers and not by automated programs!

Save Money With Brid.TV

Many brands operating in the online video business run the risk of losing money because they respond to fraudulent ad requests. And you can experience this as well. Even though your player serves an impression, you won’t earn anything because the system will later detect invalid traffic. Brid.TV wants to help you grow your business and avoid these situations.

Secure your ad revenue by investing in this latest technology! All Brid.TV Premium users can enable this option by visiting our CMS. Navigate to the Players menu and click on your desired video. Scroll down and you will see the Plugins drop-down menu. The newest plugin will appear on the list.

As this is our premium feature, you will need to upgrade and pay additional charges. We will ask you to select one available option that best fits your needs. After that, our state-of-the-art technology that detects invalid traffic will be only one click away from you!

Let’s take a look at the options this feature includes.

Four Options That Help You Protect Earnings

To help you determine which option is the most suitable for you, we’ve delved deeper into them below:

  1. Prevention only option: It ensures that our system won’t send an ad request unless it can verify that the request comes from a human. So, an impression won’t be served nor charged to you unless the player confirms that there is no fraudulent activity.
  1. Prevention and full reporting: It works like the first option in that it ensures that the player sends only valid traffic to the ad server. However, you will also have access to invalid traffic reporting in our analytics.
  1. Reporting only option: This option gives you an in-depth understanding of your traffic, informing you how valid your traffic is. The full report is available in our dashboard.
  1. Post bid impression reporting: After every served ad impression, our video player analyzes the activity to ensure there is no invalid traffic. This further enhances the effectiveness of our solution and gives you better control over the monetization process.

Set the Time for Ad Fraud Detection

There is another useful option at your disposal! Namely, you can also set the start and end times for when you want Brid.TV Ad Fraud Detection to check your traffic. You can add the time manually and our feature will do its part during the selected hours!

If you know when your audience interacts with your content the most, this option is more than beneficial for you!

In case you have any questions or need any help with this new premium feature, our customer support will be glad to assist you!

Best regards,

The Brid.TV Team