15 Best Display Ad Networks for Publishers in 2023

best display ad networks

Display advertising is, undeniably, one of the most popular types of online advertising. If you’re looking to place them on your website or app, you will need a reliable display ad network to do so. But before you go for the first network you run into, it is important to do the research and ensure you know exactly what to search for. Here’s how to pick the right display advertising partner for your publishing business.

What Is a Display Ad Network?

Display ads are advertisements that show up on websites and apps, usually in the form of an image, text, or video. They are usually clickable and lead users to a landing page, contact form, website, or another destination. 

Display ad networks make display advertising possible. In other words, they are collections of websites and applications that serve display ads. Using these networks, publishers connect with advertisers to sell them their ad inventory. This way, they can monetize content and website traffic without necessarily requiring subscriptions or purchases from their users.

What to Look for in a Display Ad Network?

If you’re planning to serve display ads on your website and/or apps, you will need a display ad network to do so. However, you shouldn’t just go for any ad network that sounds good. Instead, ensure you know exactly what you need and make an informed decision. Let’s take a look at some of the most important features to look for.

Omnichannel Monetization

The ad network you choose should support omnichannel monetization. In other words, it should enable you to monetize on multiple platforms, operating systems, and devices. For example, if you have an OTT streaming service with a website, an OTT, connected TV, or a mobile app for various operating systems, your ad network should be able to serve display ads on all of them. 

Even if you only have a website you want to monetize, omnichannel capabilities will allow display ads to show up on various devices, from PCs to mobile phones.

Audience Targeting Options

Proper audience targeting is one of the key components of successful advertising campaigns. Behavioral targeting allows you to specify the audience in terms of their search history and online footprint. You can also target an audience based on their interests, age, location, and other factors. Contextual targeting, on the other hand, matches the content of an ad to the content of the website where it is displayed. 

In general, a good ad network should support as many targeting methods as possible. This will ensure that the ads on your website perform well, which will, in turn, generate more ad yield and increase your revenue.

Performance Reporting and Analytics

One of the biggest advantages of digital over traditional advertising is the ability to track campaign performance in real time. This also allows for adjustments during the course of the campaign in order to maximize its performance. Needless to say, ad optimization will also bring better results and more ad revenue.

Top 15 Display Ad Networks for Publishers

Knowing what to look for in an ad network is half the battle. Now, it’s time to comb through some of the biggest market players and choose the platform that fits all your needs. In order to make this task easier, we’ve put together a list of the 15 best display ad networks for publishers.

1. Google ADX

google adx logo
Payment Model Minimum Traffic
CPM, CPC, CPA 5 Million Monthly Active Users

Google ADX is the largest and most popular ad exchange on the internet right now. Its Display Network features over 2 million websites and apps that serve display ads. The ad supply is high-quality, as Google maintains strict standards for its advertisers.

However, these high standards go for publishers too. For example, if you would like your website to be a part of the Google ADX network, you need to maintain minimum monthly traffic of 5 million active users.

Aside from ad supply and demand quality and the robustness of the network, one of Google ADX’s main selling points is its versatility. In other words, Google supports all kinds of ad formats for different purposes. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or educate your audience, Google ADX has a solution for you.

In terms of payment options, the network supports three of the most common models — CPC (cost per click), CPM (cost per mille), and CPA (cost per acquisition). 

Key Features:

  • High-quality ad supply and demand due to strict standards
  • Support for websites, apps, and other software for mobile devices
  • Supports CPC, CPM, and CPA
  • Extensive ad customization and optimization
  • Performance tracking tools and real-time analytics
  • Integration with Google’s other ad tech, such as Google Analytics

2. Brid.TV Marketplace

brid tv marketplace logo
Payment Model Minimum Traffic
CPM 100,000 Monthly Active Users

Brid.TV is a robust, all-in-one online video platform that offers video hosting, management, and distribution solutions, along with a lightweight, low-latency HTML5 player. Among other things, Brid.TV also specializes in ad-based monetization of video content.

Brid.TV Marketplace is the OVP’s ad network that provides its publishers with access to advertisers of all kinds. Although the Marketplace mainly focuses on video ad serving, display ads are also available. 

On top of this, Brid.TV Marketplace is an official Google MCM partner. In other words, it acts as a connection between Google ADX and publishers who don’t meet Google’s traffic requirements but still want to monetize through it.

The platform supports ad serving on all kinds of devices, operating systems, and applications. Whether you want to monetize a website or are looking for an OTT advertising platform, Brid.TV has got you covered.

Lastly, the platform features all the usual tools any ad network should have — analytics, ad optimization and management, a dedicated support team, and more.

Key Features:

  • Google MCM partner
  • Omnichannel monetization support
  • Dozens of display ad formats
  • Integrations with Openx, Magnite, Unruly, and more
  • Programmatic and direct deals
  • Banner fallback feature in case of empty ad calls
  • Real-time performance tracking and reports
  • Full-fledged OVP and HTML5 player
google exchange

Get access to premium Google ADX inventory with a reliable Google MCM partner.

Start Monetizing

3. AdPushup

AdPushup logo svg
Payment Model Minimum Traffic

AdPushup is not necessarily an ad network in the traditional sense, but it serves the same purpose. They define themselves as a publisher-focused revenue optimization platform, so most of their features are geared towards that purpose too.

If you’re only getting started with ad monetization, AdPushup is not for you. Although they don’t have a minimum traffic requirement, they only work with websites that already generate $5,000/month in ad revenue.

AdPushup comes with an extensive set of tools divided into three revenue share-based pricing plans. This includes features such as access to Google ADX and AdSense, managed header bidding, revenue reports, ad optimization and management, and more.

Key Features:

  • Ad inventory layout optimization
  • Mediation on closed networks
  • AdBlock protection and ad reinsertion
  • Integrations with many high-quality ad networks
  • Real-time header bidding solution
  • Access to Google ADX and AdSense

4. BidVertiser

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Payment Model Minimum Traffic

BidVertiser is an Israel-based direct advertising network with extensive in-house tools. The platform boasts over 80,000 clients worldwide, both on the publishing and advertising side.

BidVertiser doesn’t maintain any clear criteria on monthly website traffic, although they state that only websites with high-quality traffic (i.e., not bought clicks from traffic exchanges) will be able to join the platform. Other criteria include quality content, more than three months of activity, and regularly updated pages.

The criteria might be strict, but BidVertiser is certainly worth it. The platform boasts high ad fill rates, AI-powered ad optimization tools, omnichannel monetization (including websites and mobile apps), ad safety features, and a variety of ad formats. Finally, all three basic monetization models are available — CPM, CPC, and CPA.

Key Features:

  • Real-time reporting and optimization
  • High ad fill rate for desktop and mobile
  • AI-powered ad management
  • Ad safety features and fraud protection
  • Detailed audience targeting features
  • An array of display ad formats

5. Airnow Media

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Payment Model Minimum Traffic

Formerly known as AirPush, Airnow Media is a demand-side platform and a part of the Airnow mobile app monetization platform. It serves as an advertising partner for mobile-based advertisers. In other words, it primarily serves display (and other) ads on mobile apps and browsers, although it does have support for CTV advertising. Airnow Media features a network of over 150,000 opt-in apps.

This is a programmatic ad platform with real-time bidding. It features tools such as fully customizable ad templates, detailed audience targeting options, and real-time performance tracking and reporting.

Key Features:

  • Mobile-first display advertising platform
  • Robust demand-side platform
  • Real-time performance tracking
  • Ad optimization tools
  • Programmatic and real-time bidding
  • Ad network of over 150,000 apps

6. Leadbolt

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Payment Model Minimum Traffic

Another mobile-first ad network, Leadbolt is an award-winning advertising partner and app monetization solution. Their SDK provides developers with easy and straightforward integration for ad-based mobile app monetization.

With thousands of advertisers using their network, Leadbolt boasts up to a 400% increase in eCPM in some of its case studies. In addition to this, with highly customizable ads, the platform supports a wide variety of ad placements and formats, maximizing the monetization potential of your app.

Key Features:

  • Built-in, AI-powered ad optimization tools
  • Support for direct deals
  • Crypto-powered programmatic advertising
  • A wide variety of ad placements and formats
  • Detailed performance reports and analytics

7. Yahoo Ad Tech (Formerly Verizon Media)

yahoo ad tech logo
Payment Model Minimum Traffic

Yahoo’s web browser might not be as popular as Google’s, but it is thriving in the ad tech department. The platform contains both an SSP and a DSP and features an extensive set of tools for advertisers and publishers.

Yahoo supports basically every transaction model out there, from header bidding to programmatic direct and guaranteed deals. The platform maintains a constant high level of ad demand, which also translates to high fill rates. Detailed reports and a set of ad optimization tools are available to Yahoo’s publishers too. Lastly, extensive omnichannel support ensures ads can be served on a variety of devices and platforms.

Key Features:

  • Omnichannel advertising support
  • Wide array of display ads and other ad formats
  • Extensive setup, management, and optimization tools
  • Audience targeting and optimization features
  • Extensive network of advertisers and publishers
  • Integrated SSP and DSP

8. Epom

epom logo svg
Payment Model Minimum Traffic
CPM, CPC, CPA, Auction 500,000 Monthly Impressions

Epom is a great beginner-friendly ad network that comes with a free trial for advertisers. It has a full stack of basic features any good ad network should have, such as detailed analytics and performance tracking, ad optimization toolsets, real-time bidding support, and more.

Epom can serve ads across various devices, operating systems, and platforms. Whether you want to monetize your mobile app, website, or video content, Epom has what you need. Lastly, the platform supports over 30 different rich media formats.

Key Features:

  • Beginner-friendly advertising platform
  • Over 30 rich media formats supported
  • Omnichannel advertising support
  • Detailed, unified, and customizable performance reports
  • Advanced ad optimization and audience targeting options
  • Over 60 existing DSP integrations

9. Vibrant Media

vibrant media logo svg
Payment Model Minimum Traffic
CPM, CPC 500,000 monthly page views

Vibrant Media is a robust ad network with features that give publishers extensive control over their ad inventory. For example, publishers can set the maximum number of ads on each of their pages, block or restrict certain types of ads or even certain advertisers, get access to a unified performance report, and so much more.

On top of this, Vibrant Media is one of the pioneers of contextual advertising. The platform uses natural language processing technology to match ads to on-page content and maximize ad yield this way. 

Key Features:

  • State-of-the-art contextual targeting capabilities
  • Extensive ad inventory control tools for publishers
  • Pre-bid brand safety features
  • Machine-learning technology
  • Extensive performance reports and ad optimization tools
infolinks logo svg
Payment Model Minimum Traffic

Infolinks is a great advertising network with a lot of focus on display advertising. The platform seeks to address the most common issues display ads face, such as banner blindness. To do this, Infolinks uses innovative display ad formats, such as inCube, where ads pop up in a 3D cube.

The platform’s targeting options are intent-oriented. And lastly, there are real-time performance tracking features that allow publishers to quickly adjust and optimize campaigns. 

Key Features:

  • Innovative display ad formats for boosting engagement
  • Simple, easy-to-navigate platform interface
  • Result tracking and optimization
  • Omnichannel advertising support
  • Compatibility with Google AdSense

11. Media.net

media.net logo svg
Payment Model Minimum Traffic

Media.net is a large ad network with exclusive access to premium contextual ad demand from the Yahoo! Bing Network. The platform also integrates with a number of other DSPs, AMPs, DMPs, and other third-party services. This ensures high fill rates for all of their publishers.

The platform utilizes server-side ad insertion, real-time bidding, and other latest ad tech to ensure high-quality campaigns and great results, both for advertisers and publishers. Client control and ad safety features are in place to protect their users from ad fraud.

Key Features:

  • Exclusive access to the Yahoo! Bing Network
  • Server-side ad insertion and ad fraud protection
  • Real-time performance reports and ad optimization
  • Omnichannel advertising support
  • One of the highest-quality ad demands on the market

12. ReklamStore

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Payment Model Minimum Traffic

ReklamStore is a self-serve ad network that integrates with dozens of DSPs, hundreds of SSPs, and some of the best ad exchanges out there to ensure high-quality ad supply and demand. It is quite beginner-friendly and easy to set up but still contains sufficient optimization tools.

Some of the core features of ReklamStore include advanced header bidding technology, real-time ad performance and earning reports, advanced audience targeting, and remarketing tools. ReklamStore supports a number of different display ad formats.

Key Features:

  • Advanced audience targeting tools
  • Real-time reports and analytics
  • Programmatic and direct transactions
  • Campaign optimization tools
  • Integrations with hundreds of SSPs, DSPs, and ad exchanges

13. AdMaven

AdMaven logo svg
Payment Model Minimum Traffic

AdMaven is a popular advertising network with omnichannel support for web and mobile monetization. The platform’s range of display ad types available is somewhat limited, but they do guarantee high fill rates and offer support for a range of devices, operating systems, and apps.

AdMaven features some handy, state-of-the-art perks, such as anti-AdBlock technology, fraud detection and protection, and a dedicated support team. Unlike most other platforms on our list, which focus on programmatic advertising, AdMaven is a direct-first platform.

Key Features:

  • Dedicated support team
  • Brand protection, fraud detection, and anti-AdBlock technology
  • Omnichannel advertising across various devices
  • Direct-first ad network
  • Wide array of ad optimization tools

14. PropellerAds

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Payment Model Minimum Traffic

Another well-known display ad network, PropellerAds puts a lot of emphasis on content control. In fact, they manually vet every single campaign before greenlighting it. They also guarantee a high ad fill rate, along with high ad yield.

Beyond this, PropellerAds boasts everything a good ad network should have — detailed analytics, real-time reporting, extensive ad optimization tools, AdSense compatibility, AdBlock bypass technology, and more.

Key Features:

  • Support for omnichannel publishers
  • Manually vetted content
  • Google AdSense-compatible
  • Real-time detailed analytics and reports
  • MultiTag technology
  • AdBlock bypass technology

15. Clickadu

Clickadu logo svg
Payment Model Minimum Traffic
CPM, CPC, CPA 1,000 Daily Traffic

Clickadu is a comprehensive online ad platform that has been around for almost a decade. It has an extensive, global network of publishers and advertisers. The platform guarantees a high fill rate, along with some of the highest CPMs on the market.

Clickadu’s publishers get access to safe, clean ads from exclusive advertisers through a simple, easy-to-use self-serve platform. Some of the most important tools and features include automated payouts, detailed analytics, and extensive optimization and management tools.

Key Features:

  • 100% fill rate guarantee
  • User-friendly self-serve platform
  • Detailed audience targeting options
  • Fraud and bot filtering system
  • Easy real-time optimization tools

Start Your Display Advertising Journey With Brid.TV Marketplace

Are you ready to get started with display advertising? Then it’s time to take your pick of the best ad network for your needs and requirements.

Why not give Brid.TV Marketplace a shot? Our comprehensive ad network will ensure you get the most out of placing display ads on your website. With state-of-the-art features, including detailed analytics, an array of supported ad formats, and real-time bidding, you can focus on running your publishing business, while we do the work to ensure a steady stream of ad revenue.


· Premium Google ADX Demand
· Omnichannel Monetization
· Rich Selection of Video Ad Formats
· Real-Time Performance Tracking
· Automated Reporting

Start Monetizing
Brid.TV Marketplace


A display ad network is a platform that serves as a point of contact between advertisers and publishers who want to monetize their websites through display ads. Some of the best-known display ad networks are Google ADX, Brid.TV Marketplace, and Clickadu.

Some of the best display ad networks for publishers include Google ADX, Brid.TV Marketplace, and Epom. When choosing a display ad network, make sure it has all the features and capabilities you need.

Yes, Google Display Network is an ad network for display advertisements. It features millions of websites where it can serve various types of display ads.

In marketing, display refers to advertisements that show up on websites, social media, and applications in the form of an image, video, or text. Display marketing is great for raising brand awareness, generating leads and conversions, and remarketing.