Minimize Ad Serving Errors With Brid.TV’s Dynamic Ad Insertion Support

dynamic ad insertion support at bridtv illustrated
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Our latest platform update brought with it several exciting additions to the Brid.TV platform, but one of the most notable ones is the support for Google’s dynamic ad insertion. As of today, publishers can use this feature to reduce buffering latency to circumvent Google’s heavy ad limitations and reach OTT audiences easier.

What Is Dynamic Ad Insertion

Dynamic or server-side ad insertion is a video ad technology that allows publishers to merge ads with their video content. In other words, DAI stitches your ads and your content into a single video stream, independent from the browser. That allows publishers to eliminate buffering latency, allowing publishers to bypass Google’s heavy ad limitations and reach CTV audiences.

This ad delivery method is also one of the best ways to deliver content in the OTT space. So if you’re looking to launch an OTT app to reach more viewers, this feature will help your ad serving efforts there.

Why You Should Use Dynamic Ad Insertion

There are several reasons publishers would want to use this feature, but here are the most notable ones:

  • It Helps Minimize the Impact of Ad-Blocking Software — Stitching your ads with your video content stream makes them immune to certain ad-blocking software.
  • Using DAI Will Drive More Revenue — Giving publishers more freedom with their ad sizes and types will help them optimize campaigns better and improve their bottom line.
  • DAI Offers Better User Experience — Implementing dynamic ad insertion will reduce your videos’ latency, improving viewer user experience.

Setting Up Brid.TV’s Dynamic Ad Insertion

All publishers on our Premium Plan can leverage DAI; all you need to do is enable it on your website.

NOTE: This feature is only supported for VAST ads and works with HLS video formats.

Publishers looking to leverage DAI can easily apply for it and set it up straight from the Brid.TV CMS. If you wish to start using this feature, check out how to apply for it via the link below.