Everything You Need to Know About the Video Autoplay Feature

Video Autoplay Feature by brid.tv

More than 3 billion people are active on social media. The majority of them have experienced the same thing — the video autoplay feature. While scrolling down their feeds, they come across a video. Although they don’t press “play,” the video begins and disrupts their user experience.

A similar scenario awaits those visiting different websites. In this case, music starts blasting and internet users can’t find the source of this loud noise right off the bat. After a few moments, they find the root of the problem. Usually, an ad is autoplaying which explains the background music. Only when they press the mute button does this sound stop.

We’ve all been through this. The video autoplay feature is now a basic part of the web. You can’t spend one minute on Instagram without seeing moving images in the background. Luckily for us (and our ears), platforms have come up with muted autoplay. So, even though there’s a video playing, it won’t ruin your time on the internet.

As a marketer, your brand is likely to publish video content on both social media and your official website. This means that some of that content will autoplay without users clicking on it. So, what do you need to know about the video autoplay feature?

Let’s find out!

Why Do Platforms Autoplay Videos?

Video is the king of content. This medium is now so popular that 78% of people watch it every week. It doesn’t come as a surprise then that most major platforms favor this marketing tool. Most of these apps have become video-focused, looking to engage the audience whose attention span is decreasing over time.

Marketers have realized that video is effective at grabbing attention, educating people, conveying complex messages, and leaving a lasting impression on viewers. That’s why so many brands have turned their focus on this medium. According to Cisco, video will account for 82% of all internet traffic by 2022. With so much content on the web, it’s difficult to stand out and get people to watch your videos.

That’s where autoplay comes in!

The video autoplay feature puts your content in front of the audience who might have otherwise overlooked it. It gives you several seconds to catch the attention of the viewers and encourage them to keep watching in order to find out more. So, that’s why major platforms use this feature. It helps bring focus to brands without relying on the user to click “play.”

However, this feature isn’t quite popular among consumers.

Why Isn’t Autoplay Popular Among Internet Users?

Although online platforms and advertisers favor the video autoplay feature, the audience isn’t quite sharing their sentiment. And this doesn’t come as a surprise. After all, people want to have some say in the content they engage with and watch. So, if brands push their content towards them, consumers might feel frustrated. No one wants to get bombarded with video content on the Internet.

Apart from that, autoplay can use too much data and drain the phone batteries. Some users don’t even want to see autoplay videos on their feed, so these two downsides might agitate them even more.

Nevertheless, many platforms still offer the video autoplay feature. They think that forcing video content is a better solution than letting it reside unnoticed on user’s feed.

Can You Disable Autoplay?

Yes, it is possible to disable autoplay. Over the years, brands and platforms have seen that the video autoplay feature isn’t popular among customers. That’s why most social media networks allow users to decide whether or not they want to enable this option.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Netflix, all of them have made it possible for consumers to turn off the autoplay. The specifics depend on the platform, but the good news is that you can disable this feature in case you want to save data and your battery!

The Video Autoplay Feature and Marketing

Marketers and publishers shouldn’t forget that some networks have the autoplay feature. They need to keep this in mind when they’re making video content. To find success, creators have to understand the platform where they will post their content. This will help them plan every step. Namely, if the platform supports autoplay, then they should pay attention to the first few seconds of the video.

The beginning of the video should engage people rather than irritate them. You only have a couple of moments to persuade viewers to continue watching your content. If your video will autoplay, don’t forget to add captions. This will make your video accessible and who knows, there might be a sentence that will stop users from scrolling past your post!

The Video Autoplay Feature Is Here to Stay

Regardless of whether you are for or against the video autoplay feature, one thing is for sure — it is not going anywhere. Platforms may add more options for users to control the feature, but they are not likely to remove it from their apps. That’s why you should adjust to autoplay and find ways to use it to your advantage. But don’t forget to always give your viewers the option to control the video once it starts playing.