How to Generate Quality Leads With Videos

How to generate leads with video by Brid.TV

The goal of all businesses is to sell their products or services — there is no disputing that. However, the road to that goal can be quite bumpy! Getting customers to buy your products can be quite a challenge, regardless of how well-made it is. That is why the crucial part of every successful business is a well-constructed lead generation strategy. According to HubSpot, the majority of marketers believe lead generation is the most important aspect of their work. But what is the best way to approach that process? Well, we can’t say that there is a definitive answer to that question, but videos are indisputably a potent tool for generating leads!

According to the latest research by Wyzowl, as many as 83% of marketers found immense success with videos as a lead generation tool. But what is it that makes videos so effective? There are multiple answers to that question:

  • Consumers adore video content.
  • Videos are incredibly engaging.
  • Videos are flexible.
  • Search engines favor videos to other types of content.

The above are just some of the most notable examples, but there’s much more to video than that. Either way, if used correctly, videos can help your business generate leads and drive sales.

Don’t trust us? Give us a chance to change your mind! Let’s take a look at five tried-and-tested ways to generate leads with videos.

5 Effective Ways to Generate Leads Using Video

Here are five easy-to-implement ways you can start generating leads with video as early as today:

Let’s see how you can make the most of each of these.

Embed a Video on Your Landing Page

Your site’s landing page is the most important place on your website. It is where you funnel most of your paid traffic and the most likely web page your potential clients will find in search engines. That is why it is supposed to be the page with the highest lead generation potential.

OK, but how does video come into play here? It’s pretty simple — your landing page is the perfect place to include a video to boost lead generation! 

You can decide to build your entire landing page around the video or use it to complement your existing copy. Either way, putting a video in the spotlight on your landing page can boost conversion rates by up to 80%!

The reason for that is straightforward — most users prefer watching a video to reading text. That is why directing them to a video on your landing page is a surefire way to engage them and get them interested. And if you manage to get them interested, they’re bound to take action or come back later!

Leverage Social Video’s High Reach Potential

We live in the day and age when everyone and their mother are on social media. Billions of people look for valuable information on social networks regarding anything they need daily, including when looking for a particular product. That is why having an active social presence is essential for any brand’s success nowadays.

But what happens when you combine the incredible reach of social platforms with the power of video? You get a lead generation machine!

In today’s digital landscape, where videos are overtaking all other forms of online media, various social video platforms are booming. YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram have all been experiencing a surge in their user bases lately, and that trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Even traditional social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn have seen a significant increase in video content’s popularity.

Did you know that 64% of users who’ve seen a marketing video on Facebook decide to act upon it? That is an astonishingly high number! Now combine that information with the fact that some of these social networks have billions of users (e.g., YouTube currently has over two billion), and you’ve got yourself a potential gold mine!

Do keep in mind that you should adapt your video content to suit each particular platform to generate the most leads from it. If you’re interested in getting some fresh social media video ideas, you can find some of the most effective ones in this article

Pro Tip: Read our article on creating a successful social media video marketing strategy if you need help getting your first campaign up and running.

Integrate Videos in Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Although it might feel outdated to some, email marketing is far from that; it is still an incredibly lucrative lead generation tool. Unfortunately, you can’t deny that email outreaches are often a bit dull. But when you consider just how engaging videos can be, you can only imagine what happens when you put the two together.

That’s right — integrating videos into your email campaigns can prove a gamechanger in your lead generation efforts. Research by Campaign Monitor proves just how impactful videos can be to email campaigns. Their data showed that video:

  • Increases email open rates by 19%.
  • Raises clickthrough rates a whopping 65%.
  • Reduces the number of unsubscribes by about 26%.

With the above in mind, it’s evident just how much videos can help increase your email engagement and boost lead generation efforts. Don’t be afraid to try it!

Gate Your Content

Gating your content is one of the most useful lead generation techniques out there. That should be evident from just how popular it is — around 80% of B2B marketing assets are gated! But how does this method work? It’s quite straightforward!

You lock some of your site’s content behind a wall. Most of the time, that could involve your users merely entering their email addresses to access it. However, you can ask for additional information too if you need it. Either way, the core idea is to make your users do something before receiving access to your most premium content — in your case, your best videos.

But what video types should you gate? Here are a few ideas:

  • Your brand’s webinars — Invite your users to attend your webinar and ask them to leave their email addresses or similar data to sign up for it!
  • An in-depth video course — Educational videos are always in high demand, especially from industry experts. So if your brand is exceptionally knowledgable in some area, creating an online video course and gating it is an excellent way to generate leads!
  • Your company’s behind-the-scenes video — Many customers are curious to learn more about a company before purchasing. That is why making a behind-the-scenes video to introduce your team and showcase your work environment and gating it would be an excellent way to collect many leads.

As you can see, using gated content can be quite worthwhile for generating leads. That is particularly true for brands active in the PR department.

Include a CTA

Last but not least, the most surefire way to generate leads with video is to end them in compelling calls to action. If you use an adequate CTA, you don’t have to stray away from your regular video marketing practices as you will be generating plenty of leads solely from your video’s traffic.

The best way to approach a video CTA is to include an in-content call to action. However, that is not your only option. What you could also do is incorporate an end-of-video form or a poll instead of a CTA. That is an even better way to generate leads if you wish to collect more information about your users. 

Either way, what you choose will depend entirely on your goals, so there is no single “best” way to create a video CTA.

Pro Tip: If you want to learn more about choosing the best CTA, where to place it, and look at some CTA examples, we cover that in-depth in this article.

Most Effective Types of Videos for Generating Leads

Now that we have illustrated just how valuable videos can be to your lead generation efforts, there is one more thing to cover — the best lead generation video types! If you’re looking to start using videos to draw consumers in and drive sales, these videos should come first on your drawing board!

Product Videos

man unboxing and reviewing shoes for article on video lead generation

Product videos are one of the most potent lead generation tools. Why? Because most users look up a video about a particular product before making a purchase! And would you rather that they find your brand’s video or someone else’s? Thought so!

But that is not all! Did you know that 84% of consumers ended up buying a product after watching a brand’s video? That’s right — the conversion potential of these videos is high too! With that in mind, you’d be remiss to let your competitors get the upper hand on you in this regard. You’d better ensure you have plenty of product videos to showcase!

Video Testimonials

two women having a talk while one is recording the other over her phone for article on video lead generation

Video testimonials are another excellent way to generate leads. The primary reason is that 92% of consumers search for a review or a product testimonial before buying. What they find will undoubtedly influence their purchasing decisions.

That is why it’s vital to ensure your brand has plenty of positive reviews. But what’s even more important is to include those reviews on your website! What do you think will look better for your brand — users reaching your landing page with plenty of positive reviews when looking for testimonials or some random forum or review website? The answer is pretty evident.

Here is where video testimonials come into play. If you opt to include a video review of your brand on your landing page instead of a written one, it will pose much more eye-catching to your consumers and compel them to click it. Video testimonials are incredibly personal, so if your audience watches one, they might get compelled to act by the reviewer’s passionate delivery. That is why video testimonials can lead to a substantial increase in lead generation quite quickly, making them a must-have for everyone looking to solidify their brand image and raise awareness.

Explainer Videos

a man sitting in front of a camera making an explainer video for article on video lead generation

The last types of videos on our list are explainer videos. You can likely already see why this type of content is particularly effective at generating leads. If you don’t, let us elaborate.

Marketing is becoming more and more customer-centric nowadays. In other words, customers’ needs are top priority! That is particularly true when it comes to digital marketing. If you want to get your brand noticed, you have to help your customers. And what is the best way to do that? By making explainer videos, of course!

Explainer videos that successfully meet your customers’ search intent are incredibly valuable. Nowadays, 96% of people look up an explainer video when they need assistance with a product or service. That is where your video gets an opportunity to shine!

If your explainer video sticks out, it will gain a lot of traffic. And if you combine that with an actionable CTA, you’re sure to generate plenty of new leads.

Get the Most From Your Lead Generation Strategy With Videos!

As you can see, videos can be an incredible addition to your lead generation strategy. But likely the best part about them is that they don’t have to cost you a fortune to make. That means you can get into video lead generation even at a modest budget. Finally, don’t forget to integrate your videos with your marketing automation platforms and other useful marketing tools! That will help you track all your newly generated leads with incredible precision.

Good luck on your journey!