How to Get More Views on Instagram Videos: The Ultimate Guide

How to get more views on instagram videos by BridTV

Video marketing on social media has become a focus of many brands. They’ve realized that they can gain traction easily if they present their products or services by way of video. This medium enables them to hook their audience in just a few seconds and arouse consumer’s curiosity. And when you combine videos with social media you get an unstoppable force that can help your brand stand out on the market.

Instagram is especially beneficial for marketers. Over the years, this app has become video oriented, developing many features that assist brands in catching attention of internet users. And videos seem to be a star on Instagram. Indeed, videos get 21% more interactions than image posts. This medium engages the audience and is better at encouraging them to take action, be it sharing, commenting, liking, visiting a website, or else. No wonder that brands are creating more videos for Instagram!

Given the popularity of social media platforms, it’s now a must to have an active business account on them. But being present on social media is not enough. You need to develop a marketing strategy that includes making online videos to satisfy the needs of internet users. This is especially true for Instagram as videos can get you a long way on the app.

If you’re already posting this medium on the app, you’re probably wondering how to get more views on Instagram videos. You’ll get the answers to this question in our article!

But first, let’s talk about Instagram a bit more.

Instagram: Sure-Fire Way of Getting Noticed

Instagram is one of the leading social media networks today. It has been able to stay at the top thanks to numerous features it has launched over the years. Users and brands can post ephemeral content through Instagram Stories. In addition to that, they can go live wherever they are with Instagram IGTV. If they want to entertain their followers, they can use Instagram Boomerang. There are so many options to get noticed on this app!

All of these features have motivated internet users around the world to join Instagram. They now rely on this app to find engaging and relevant content, connect with friends and family, and more. Indeed, Instagram is one of the most favorite platforms today:

What’s more, Instagram is also popular among businesses. It enables them to interact with their customers and show their brand in a new light. Through photos and videos, companies have a chance to gain traction and catch the attention of potential customers. Instagram is now one of the most business-friendly apps:

All of these numbers show that Instagram will remain important for businesses for years to come. We’re sure you’re already active on this platform, posting different types of content to engage your audience.

But, can you increase engagement on your account? Want to know how to get more views on Instagram videos? Here are some tips that can help you get your content seen by a larger audience!

How to Get More Views on Instagram Videos: Useful Tips

Are you posting content on Instagram regularly? Good! The app favors those accounts that publish new content consistently and frequently. Its algorithms especially push accounts that post online videos. So, if you’re not making videos for Instagram, it’s time you start!

Before you do, you should keep in mind some tips that can help your videos reach more people. Our guide to how to get more views on Instagram videos can teach you how you can maximize your chances of getting seen on the app!

Post High-Quality Content

Okay, this goes without saying. However, it won’t hurt to mention that you should post high-quality content on Instagram (and on other social media networks). Your followers want to see something unique and engaging from you, so you should deliver what they expect. This is especially true when you’re wondering how to get more views on Instagram videos.

Instagram is a visual app above anything else. And quality content is what can help you stand out on the network. Without it, why would people follow you or visit your Instagram profile? Exactly! So create videos that are visually appealing and that literally encourage viewers to watch them until the very end.

What’s more, it’s also important to be consistent if you want to increase the number of views. Consistency is what will make your followers say, “Hey, I can’t wait for another post from the brand!” Instagram users will award high-quality content and consistency with more video views.

Let’s see our other tips on how to get more views on videos on Instagram!

Write a Description

As we said, Instagram is a highly visual network. The only thing you can see while scrolling down your feed are photos and videos. This is why it’s crucial that you produce high-quality content.

After that, you should write an engaging description to draw Instagram users in. While checking their feeds, some people examine the description box first. If you put effort into it, then there’s a chance that your description will convince users to watch your video instead of scrolling down.

Need some help with video hooks? Check out this article!

There are a few things to take into consideration while writing the description if you want to increase Instagram video views:

  • Ensure that the description is long enough to capture interest and attention of your followers. However, don’t overdo it — no one wants to read long captions. Just write down the most important information your audience should take from the video.
  • Break your description into sections so that it looks more presentable.
  • Don’t forget to add hashtags to ensure people who don’t follow you come across your content.
  • Mention and tag users, especially influencers you’re collaborating with. This can increase engagement. Indeed, posts that include another handle receive 56% more engagement than those that don’t.

Here are other tips to consider while we’re talking about how to get more views on Instagram videos!

Choose Relevant Hashtags

Where would we all be without hashtags? These tags help even unknown publishers gain traction on the internet. Every social media platform relies heavily on hashtags — Instagram is no exception. If you want to get more views on Instagram, add hashtags to your video’s description!

But choose your hashtags wisely! Don’t include hashtags that are not relevant to your content. Add the right hashtags and you will end up expanding your reach. This can potentially introduce your brand to new customers and encourage them to check out your products or services.

Furthermore, you can also research hashtags to see which one is trending on Instagram. Based on your research, you can create videos on trending topics and boost views! You don’t need to only make videos around trending topics. But doing this occasionally can increase video views in no time (and we are talking about how to get more views on Instagram videos).

Post During Peak Hours

One of the most important advice about how to get more views on Instagram videos? Post during peak hours! It’s crucial that you know when the majority of your followers are active on Instagram. After all, posts on Instagram receive the biggest portion of engagement shortly after they’re published. So, you shouldn’t schedule a post in the morning if your audience is on the app in the evening.

The more engagement your post gets in those first few hours, the more chances it has to appear on the Explore page. And this is where new followers will find it and, hopefully, share it with others who haven’t seen it.

But what is the best time to post on Instagram? Most social media marketers agree that it’s from Mondays to Fridays in the afternoon or evening. So, publish your posts then! There are various social media marketing tools that enable you to schedule your posts. Here’s when you should publish content on Instagram:

If you want to learn the best times to post on other platforms, check out this article.

Launch Instagram Video Ads

Another way to increase video views is through paid reach. Instagram allows you to run video ads that will appear in feeds or Stories of your target audience. Of course, you would need to set aside a budget for ads, but it will pay off in the long run. Advertising on Instagram is a sure-fire way of increasing video views.

The app has an advanced targeting system that ensures your ads are seen by relevant users. This makes every invested penny worth it! So, if you’re launching a new marketing campaign and want it to reach more people than the previous one, choose Instagram advertising!

And that’s our tips on how to get more video views on the Instagram app!