Tips for Making a Successful Product Video

Tips for Making a Successful Product Video by Brid.TV

If you’re a brand wondering if you should make a product video, the answer is yes! If you aren’t aware of it yet, product videos are an excellent addition to any marketing campaign. One of the most significant reasons is that they’re incredibly versatile, as you can use them in all parts of the marketing funnel.

But that is just scratching the surface.

Did you know that about half of all internet users look up a video on a product they’re interested in buying before going to the store? That’s right — so having a product video for your customers to find can significantly benefit your brand. And let’s not mention that, according to Wyzowl, 84% of people claimed they were convinced to buy a product or service after watching a video!

If you ask us, it’s pretty clear that not utilizing the power of product videos would be foolish, as they have so much potential. “OK, but how do I get started?” you may ask. That’s precisely what we’re here for!

We’ve prepared a list of seven tips to help you make your first product video a real bomb!

7 Tips for Making a Killer Product Video

Here are our seven tips to keep in mind when making your next product video:

  1. Determine Your Video’s Purpose
  2. Write a Script
  3. Be Brief
  4. Make It Relatable
  5. Maintain a Consistent Brand Voice
  6. Include an Appropriate CTA
  7. Don’t Cut on Production Costs

Let’s jump right into it!

1. Determine Your Video’s Purpose

Knowing your product video’s purpose before filming it is essential. The reasons are simple — you need to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve with your video before you begin. Do you remember when we talked about the versatility of these videos? That’s right — how you structure and organize your video will depend on which part of the marketing funnel you are be targeting. There are a few different things you could be aiming for with your video:

  • Generating leads
  • Building brand awareness
  • Explaining product features
  • Driving sales

Once you determine which of these is your goal, you can make your video accordingly. For example, if you decide your goal to be driving sales, you will make something closer to a promotional video by including a clear transactional CTA at the end. Alternatively, if you focus on presenting product features, your result will be more similar to an explainer video.

One last thing to keep in mind when deciding on your video’s purpose is to take your target audience into account. Identifying your customers’ needs and wants will make striking the right chords with your product video much easier. 

2. Write a Script

Many people like improvising, but that’s not a smart way to approach creating a product video. So instead of winging it, you should carefully plan out product video and write a detailed script. Even if that seems bothersome to you, trust us — there are many benefits to having a video script:

  • Having your product video planned out in writing will make reporting your progress easier.
  • You will be able to consult with your colleagues on your idea and tweak any potential missteps or weaknesses.
  • It will enable you to plan out all shots in greater detail.
  • Having a script will allow you to rehearse before filming.

Even if you think your improv game is top-notch, you’d be much better off planning your product video inside and out. So don’t neglect the importance of writing a detailed script — you’ll thank us later.

3. Be Brief

What you’re filming is a product video, not a film, so make sure it’s not too long! Nobody wants to sit there for 20 minutes and watch you go off on a tangent — they want to see and learn about your product. So make sure you give them what they came for!

A good rule of thumb would be to keep your product videos no longer than two minutes. People’s attention spans are short, so you want to cater to that unless you want your videos to fail.

4. Make It Relatable

A key to any successful product video is to make your product resonate with your audience. But how do you do that? By making your video relatable, of course! Nobody wants to watch bland, detached videos anymore, especially now that there is plenty of content on the internet. If your product video doesn’t grab your viewers’ attention, they’ll just move on to someone else’s.

You will do yourself a favor if you introduce some personality in your product videos. Many brands have found success for that very reason, so keep that in mind when writing your script.

Another way you could make your product videos more relatable is by focusing your narrative on your product’s benefits, not features. In other words, talk about how your product can help your consumers rather than what it does. That way, you bring it closer to them and are more likely to gain conversions (if that is your aim).

5. Maintain a Consistent Brand Voice

Do not, and we repeat, do not disregard your brand voice! And if you’re asking yourselves: “What brand voice?” you should re-evaluate your entire marketing strategy.

Having a brand voice and keeping it consistent across all channels and content is essential. After all, your brand’s voice is its identity — that is what your consumers will remember you by. If it’s all over the place or you keep changing it from video to video, you will be in a lot of trouble.

So before making your product video, ask yourself a few questions:

  • What is my brand like?
  • What are my brand’s core values?
  • How does my audience recognize my brand?

These will help you identify the most appropriate tone for your video. And once you find it, ensure you stick to it!

6. Include an Appropriate CTA

Regardless of the type of product video you’re making, you should include a CTA at the end. After all, that is how you encourage users to act. However, depending on your video’s goals, you will want different outcomes, so your CTA will differ.

For example, if your product video’s goal were to build brand awareness, you’d probably want to encourage users to follow you on social media. Alternatively, if you were to aim to drive conversions, you’d want to point your viewers to your product page or encourage them to buy from you.

Either way, including a CTA is an excellent way to boost your product video’s success, and you’ll see results in no time!

7. Don’t Cut on Production Costs

Last but not least, filming a product video can be pricey; we know! However, you should by no means try to cut costs on video production. We live in the 21. century, so your audience will be used to high-quality production. With that in mind, you will have to invest in filming high-quality videos.

Luckily for you, filming a product video doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. We suggest you check our article on making the best video studio setup on any budget for an overview of some of the best video-making products for various budgets.

Finally, you should pay special attention to the post-production process to ensure everything is in perfect order. That entails everything from editing to the environment you’re filming in. For example, ending up with poor lighting or sound quality can ruin your product video. So you’d be wise to ensure that doesn’t happen!

It’s Your Turn to Make a Killer Product Video!

Now that you have these tips under your belt, you can begin making product videos! Oh, and don’t forget to keep tabs on your competition — monitoring what they are doing can help you see what works and give you ideas on how to make better videos. After all, all you have to do is improve upon their faults and reap the rewards!

Good luck!