Instagram Reels Tips: Engage Your Followers With Short Videos

Tips for using Instagram reels by BridTV

No matter where we are or what we are doing, we’re all wondering — wait, is this Instagrammable? Instagram has become one of the most popular social media networks, with over one billion people using the app to post their own or view someone else’s content. Given its popularity, Instagram has had to evolve a lot over the years. The platform has gone a long way and it is now favored by influencers, advertisers, and brands.

We wouldn’t be wrong if we were to say that your target audience is using Instagram today. Your competitors have also joined this app, publishing content that helps them increase brand awareness and extend their reach. In fact, an estimated 71% of US businesses use Instagram. We’re sure you don’t want to lag behind them and that you’re already present on this network.

However, keeping on top of Instagram trends is not easy by any means. The developers behind the app seem to be coming up with a new feature or changing algorithms almost all the time. Your job is to follow every change or addition to the app so that your business can stand out. After all, your customers might be scrolling down their feeds as we speak, and they’ll only stop if you give them the content they want to see.

Right now, the feature that’s been getting a lot of attention is Instagram Reels. It’s so popular, in fact, that Instagram has changed the layout of its app to accommodate these short, entertaining videos. As you’ll probably end up trying this feature for your business, we’ve decided to give you some Instagram Reels tips!

Let’s see what you should consider if you want to become the next Reels star.

Instagram Reels Tips to Keep Your Audience Engaged

If your business has been active on Instagram for a while now, you’ve probably tried out many of its existing features. Marketers have a chance to post disappearing content, courtesy of Instagram Stories, go live via IGTV, or make a video that continuously replays on a loop thanks to Boomerang. All of these features can help you catch the attention of your audience.

But there’s the new kid on the block that is worthy of your time — Instagram Reels. Creating Instagram Reels for your brand is one of the best ways to get more followers and increase engagement on Instagram. Indeed, we’ve seen a lot of brands embrace Reels content in the past few months.

With this in mind, here are some Instagram Reels tips that can get you that much loved engagement!

Create Original Content

We’re sure you are already aware that it’s a good idea to make original content for any social media platform your brand is using. Customers are more likely to stick around if you publish posts they can’t see on any other Instagram account. It’s especially important to come up with original ideas for your Instagram Reels. With thousands of creators sharing Reels every day, it may prove difficult to make something that hasn’t already been made.

Fortunately, you don’t need to worry too much about what content type you’ll post to Instagram Reels. The main thing is to produce content that is either educational or entertaining (or both). Then, you should include your own unique twist that will make you stand out. By giving your take, you can turn even existing ideas into something fresh, fun, and engaging.

Tell a Complete Story

Before we move on with our Instagram Reels tips, we should mention that this feature allows you to record and edit 15-second video content with audio, effects, and other creative tools. Now, fifteen seconds may not seem like a lot of time to engage your audience, but you’d be surprised what you can accomplish in such a short time. For instance, you can tell a complete story, from start to finish!

Any experienced marketer is well aware that compelling stories encourage people to stop scrolling and watch your content on social media. Rather than watch a video that lists facts, customers want to listen to a story that is either educational, relatable, or funny. So, create Reels that make your audience feel like they are part of a journey.

Follow Major Trends

One way to get noticed on social media is to participate in some challenge, create original content, or follow trends everyone is talking about. There are many things you should consider. But we hope our Instagram Reels tips will give you some ideas about how you can increase your chances of appearing on the Explore page.

One of our suggestions is to keep on top of trends! Similar to TikTok, there are new trends appearing on Reels every week. One day you’re talking about your most embarrassing moment, and other you’re recommending products to people via short videos!

If you want to follow a trend before it becomes outdated, we recommend you spend several minutes examining the Instagram Reels tab to see what other content creators are sharing. Perhaps it’s cool to include original audio instead of songs we all know. Maybe you should get your employees to bust a move for Instagram Reels. You’ll find out if you explore other Reels every day!

Let’s see what other Instagram Reels tips we have in store for you!

Include On-Screen Text

One thing we’ve noticed is that almost all Reels videos include on-screen text. This makes it easier for viewers to follow the plot or it draws their attention to the most important parts of the video. So, if you’re getting ready to publish a new Reels, make sure that your video has on-screen text!

Furthermore, you should also think about on-screen text placement. If your viewers can’t easily see the text, they won’t bother watching your content at all. This will decrease engagement as Instagram’s algorithms won’t showcase videos users scroll right past.

Use Creative Edits and Transitions

Our Instagram Reels tips will help you take your videos to the next level so that your audience will watch them until the very end. Now, you might think that Instagram users are ready to watch a 15-second video, but they won’t invest this time if they think your content is boring. After all, our average attention span is eight seconds, meaning that you need to hook your audience as soon as possible.

To keep viewers watching longer, use creative edits and transitions. This will make your video even more interesting and engaging. Many content creators are choosing to add edits to their Instagram Reels. This can be as simple as making a cut in the video. A cut is an abrupt transition from one scene to the next. It makes viewers jump a bit, encouraging them to remain focused on the video.

Then, transitions might be a bit more difficult to pull. But you might try to make it seem as if one scene is melting into another scene. These two Instagram Reels tips will certainly get you the views and engagement!

Provide Value and Create Educational Content

Believe it or not, people don’t use Reels only to participate in the latest dance challenge. What makes this feature so popular is the fact that it can educate and provide value to others. In fact, there are many content creators who go viral because they share informative content.

Furthermore, publishing educational content may solve a particular problem your customers have. As a result, your brand will be viewed as an expert on a certain topic.

Use Music From the Instagram Library

Don’t forget to add music to your Instagram Reels! If you click on the Reels tab in the app, most of the videos there will feature some music. You should take a cue from them and include a tune in your next video! In fact, even Instagram suggests creators use music from the Instagram library. Before you start sharing Reels, explore the library!

Now, we’re nearing the end of our Instagram Reels tips. Let’s see what’s the last thing you should consider while making these videos!

Share Reels to Your Instagram Story

Around 500 million Instagram accounts use Instagram Stories every day. This feature enables users to create posts that disappear after 24 hours, encouraging followers to view them as soon as possible. You should leverage the sense of urgency Instagram Stories create and share your Reels to them!

Boost Your Engagement in No Time

Instagram Reels is the latest buzzword in social media marketing. With the number of creators making their own Reels increasing, you shouldn’t waste any time! Start posting your short, engaging videos and leave your competitors in the dust!