Instagram Shopping: A Seamless Shopping Experience

Instagram shopping by BridTV

Shopping has come a long way in the past few decades. We’ve evolved from going to brick-and-mortar stores to making a purchase in the comfort of our own home. Basically everything we need is now available on the internet. And people are using this to their advantage, especially while we are in the midst of the global pandemic.

Indeed, it is estimated that global e-commerce sales will reach over $4.2 trillion in 2021. On top of that, one research revealed that there will be almost 300 million online buyers in the USA alone by 2024. Given this popularity of online shopping, internet users are now able to buy products on social media as well. One platform that has found a way to keep consumers on their app is Instagram.

Recently, Instagram launched the Instagram Shopping feature, which enables companies to put their shops within a finger’s reach. This has further revolutionized the way we purchase products, and it made it easier for brands to showcase their goods to social media users.

Within the past few months, more and more businesses have turned to Instagram Shopping to drive sales. Giving a unique shopping experience is one of the primary goals of every marketer. And it can’t get more unique than buying things on social media!

In this article, we’ll introduce Instagram Shopping to all of those marketers who are getting ready to try out this feature! We’ll also tell you what the benefits of shoppable posts are!

What Are Instagram Shopping Posts?

First things first, what are Instagram Shopping posts? In a nutshell, Instagram Shopping is a feature that lets people purchase products straight from the app. It essentially turns photos and videos into shoppable posts. Businesses and creators tag products in their posts, enabling customers to click on them and make a purchase.

Furthermore, Instagram Shopping offers a fully immersive shopping experience for all of those using the Instagram app. While scrolling down their feeds, customers can discover new products. Those living in the USA can also complete a transaction without leaving the app. Checkout on Instagram may become available to businesses outside the U.S. soon.

Instagram is constantly upgrading its e-commerce features. Every new update changes the way customers shop. Apart from rolling out Checkout, Instagram plans to launch a feature that allows users to virtually try on products on the app. It remains to be seen when this will become available on this social media platform.

Instagram Shopping Is Taking Over the App

Mobile shopping has become popular over the years. In fact, 79% of smartphone users have bought something online using their mobile devices in the last six months. As people tend to spend around 3 hours and 15 minutes a day on their phones, your business needs to create the best mobile shopping experience for them.

Fortunately, you have Instagram to help you every step of the way. The app gives you an opportunity to make online shoppers fall in love with your products. In just a few steps, they can own those products and share them with others.

According to Instagram, 70% of shoppers turn to the app to discover new products. That’s why the company decided to introduce shoppable posts. The feature became an instant success on the app. Today, 130 million accounts tap on a shopping post to learn more about products every month.

That being said, if your business is active on Instagram, it’s high time you set up your own shop on the app. Take your followers on an unforgettable shopping journey and show them what your company has to offer!

How to Set Up Instagram Shopping

When you enable Instagram Shopping, you’ll be able to tag products in posts, Stories, IGTV videos, and Reels. And another option will become available to you. Namely, Instagram will add your shop to your profile. Every time customers visit your account, they’ll be able to navigate to the shop and find products that interest them. As we previously said, American consumers can also go to the checkout directly on the app.

Now, you’ll need to follow certain steps if you want to create shoppable posts. We’ll give you detailed instructions below!

Confirm Eligibility

Instagram is strict when it comes to which businesses can make use of its shopping features. There are certain requirements sellers need to fulfill before getting their shop approved by the app. It’s not surprising that Instagram has imposed these requirements. After all, they want to have only genuine retailers on the app.

Here are some of the requirements for Instagram Shopping:

  • Your brand needs to be located in a supported market.
  • It’s crucial that you have an eligible product for sale.
  • Your business needs to own a website which your customers will visit to make a purchase.

To discover more about the Instagram Shopping requirements, visit this link.

Have a Business or Creator Account

Of course, it’s absolutely necessary that you have a business account on Instagram in order to sell your products. So, switch to business, add relevant information, and start offering your products through Instagram Shopping posts!

Connect to a Facebook Page

As you know, Facebook owns Instagram, and the company has ensured that the two apps are as connected as possible. For instance, certain options aren’t available to marketers if they don’t connect their Instagram business account to their Facebook page. Shoppable posts won’t be available to you either if you don’t link the two accounts.

Upload Your Product Catalog

After following the above three steps, you’ll be ready to upload your product catalog. This is a list of all of your products together with inventory and descriptions. You can connect a product catalog to your Instagram business account in two ways:

  • Catalogue Manager — If you select this option, you’ll be required to upload your catalog on your own through Facebook Business Manager.
  • E-commerce platform partner — In case you don’t want to do it by yourself, you can use the service of one of the certified e-commerce platforms, including Shopify. This platform is most suited for this since it has it has many apps to help you connect your store to your Instagram account.

Submit Your Account for Review

Then, you will need to submit your account for review once you’ve uploaded your product catalog. You can do that by following these steps:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and navigate to the menu.
  2. Click on “Settings.”
  3. Sign up for shopping.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to submit your account for review.
  5. Check the status of your application by visiting “Shopping.”

Instagram typically reviews accounts in a few days, but this process can take longer to complete sometimes.

Turn on Instagram Shopping

You can turn on all of Instagram’s shopping features once your account is approved. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Click on the menu icon from your Instagram profile.
  2. Select “Settings.”
  3. Tap “Business” and then tap “Shopping.”
  4. Choose the product catalog you want to connect to your account.
  5. Click “Done.”

You can reap the benefits of Instagram Shopping after following the above steps! Finally, it’s time you use product tags to move your customers down the sales funnel.

How to Tag Products on Instagram

Tagging products in your posts and Stories is a sure-fire way of getting exposure for them. As you’re new to Instagram Shopping, we’ll tell you how to add product tags.

Instagram Posts on Feed

You can tag products on your feed posts just like you tag people on them. After uploading a photograph or a carousel post, you can add a caption, edit the images, and select products you want to tag. Just click on “Tag Products.” Once you’ve included the products, tap “Done” and share the post with your followers.

Instagram Stories

According to Instagram, 500 million accounts visit Instagram Stories every day. On top of that, Instagram Stories from businesses are viewed the most. If you want to expand your reach, you should definitely consider tagging your products on your future Stories. How can you do that?

First, open the Stories feature, take a photo or video or upload one from your camera roll. Then, click on the sticker button and select the “Product” sticker. Choose the product you want to feature on your Instagram Stories. This will create a sticker which you can move wherever you want on your Stories. You’ll be ready to share your story with the world!

What Are the Benefits of Instagram Shopping?

In the past year, Instagram has become an e-commerce powerhouse. A lot of brands are rushing to take advantage of its Instagram Shopping feature and get their products in front of a larger audience. And some of these brands are reporting impressive results. In fact, BigCommerce revealed that shoppable posts increased traffic by 1,416% for one brand.

As there is proof that Instagram Shopping is effective, there is no reason why your brand shouldn’t jump on the bandwagon. Here are other benefits of this feature in case you’re still wondering whether you should use it or not.

It Makes Shopping Easier For Customers

A huge number of companies are trying to cut through the noise on the internet. With so many businesses vying for attention, it can be difficult to get customers to notice your brand on social media. And it’s not easy to encourage them to visit your store either. What can you do? You can take your store and products to them!

A shop on Instagram makes it easier for your customers to browse your catalog, find out more about a product, or check prices. And if they decide to purchase from you, they are only one tap away from visiting the product page and buying!

It Enables You to Promote Your Products

Social media is great for building relationships with your existing and prospective customers. Instagram has especially developed so many useful features that help businesses stand out and get the attention of their consumers. However, there is one downside of this app. Businesses can only add one link to their profile. Also, it’s not possible to include clickable links in post descriptions, meaning companies couldn’t promote individual products in the past.

But there is Instagram Shopping now! This feature lets you integrate your account with your store. You have the ability to promote your products on one of the most popular social media platforms, meaning there is a high chance you will increase sales!

Connect Your Store and Instagram Today!

Instagram Shopping has revolutionized the way products are sold and bought. As more companies embrace this feature, customers will receive a seamless shopping experience many of them are after. So, make it easier for consumers to purchase your products and join Instagram Shopping!